5 Unexpected Ways a DUI Can Impact Your Career

How does a DUI impact your career? There are many ways a Driving Under the Influence charge can change the way your current or prospective employers view you. The risks associated with drinking and driving don't end with being pulled over and arrested. They can continue for Americans into every aspect of your life.

No Jobs Requiring Driving

You most likely won't be able to drive for a living after being convicted of a DUI. Companies view this as an insurance liability risk. Most outside sales positions require driving. You won't be able to drive delivery vehicles. 

You'll need to be on the company insurance in case you were to have an accident at work. A DUI could prevent you from landing that potential job. It could also make you lose a job if you currently drive.

Background Checks

You will always dread the background check in the pre-employment portion of the interview process. Most companies utilize these checks to find out about anything in your history that could prevent you from working there. You won't really know how a company perceives your DUI if it shows up on your record. You'll only know if you did or didn't get the job. This might leave you always speculating about how the DUI changed the perception of those who were in control of the hiring process.

Viewed as Irresponsible

Many people will just assume you are irresponsible with your daily life and routine with a DUI. It may or may not be unfair. People tend to judge. A DUI isn't something to be proud of but it happens to many Americans. You may be viewed by your current employer as someone who doesn't take life seriously enough to calm down before that last drink. Future employers might not consider you because they think alcoholism might be associated with the DUI. You may have a hard time gaining trust back from colleagues. You could also be the talk of the workplace if everyone finds out. It could make life miserable for the next few days at your current workplace. 

Financial Repercussions

Many jobs that pay a substantial amount of money require the ability to travel. You'll have a hard time explaining to others why you can't get from Point A to Point B without someone driving you. You might cap your dollar earnings after getting a DUI or see them severely reduced. Many jobs that pay well need you to be able to get to different locations.

The Emotional Toll

A DUI can hurt your self-esteem. It can provide you with the opportunity to reflect on what led you to that mistake. It can also really add stress to your life because of the financial toll it takes on your family. This could put you in a negative frame of mind for several months. This could cause you to struggle at your current work place if you don't lose your position. You could spend time wondering about the ramifications of the DUI instead of concentrating on the task at hand. The lack of self-esteem could lead to depression and more drinking. It might be important to seek counseling if you are feeling these thoughts after a DUI.

It is quite possible to have record expungement for a DUI. This means the charges are completely removed in the eyes of the law. This means you could have the opportunity for a fresh start with the chance to potentially land your next dream job.


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