What in the Wakoopa is going on here?

Posting is abridge due to screenshots...

Remember back in the day, say the year 2000? The turn of the century, Y2K, when we all thought the world was going to end. I personally thought that by now I would be flying my Delorean DMC 12 to work or having my robot housemate fetch me some beverages. So, I never got any of that but I did get Wakoopa!

What the hoopa is Wakoopa?

Wakoopa is a great tool that allows you to track and discover software and applications online. It lays in the background so you don’t have to look at it all day and bog yourself down with another social networking app. In fact Wakoopa will monitor all of your usage on the apps that you do use and let you now what percentage of your day you are spending on those particular applications. This is great if you find that you are spending too much time managing your social networks. Now there are a few pieces to the puzzle here that I want to share like how can we use this for recruiting?

The application itself was design to track a few things, like your apps you are using, to help you discover new software that is available and ultimately to share what you use with the world. In the world of social networking this is what we do. We share. We share virtually (no pun intended) any and everything we do. As you use the software on your own system and online the program will start to recommend other software that may be of interest to you based on you usage. Touching on the verge of what is labeled Web 3.0 this is one app that I have grown to like a lot over the last few weeks. Why, because I am a recruiter and you can recruit with this!

So lets look a little deeper. Similar to LinkedIn and Facebook you connect with friends, colleagues and others around you to build a network. In the Wakoopa world.....

**See the full posting on my blog which include screenshots etc.**


Ryan Leary

Views: 89

Comment by Greg Amerault on December 12, 2008 at 11:16am
Great blog! This is also good for managers to moniter what recruiters are doing from their desktop.
Comment by Ryan Leary on December 12, 2008 at 4:28pm
shh... Don't give any ideas... I have more about a bunch of stuff at my blog if interested. www.CruiterTalk.com


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