An organization is like a tree full of Monkeys, all on different levels, some climbing up, some going down as none is satisfied with his and others position and control on the branches of the tree, as these, branches of the tree, are their property. The monkeys at the bottom look up and see nothing but A**holes. All the time, the monkeys on the top will get the fruits first and most of the time they will eventually produce SHIT for all the monkeys below. And all the time, that's what the monkeys below will get.

For those monkeys who are climbing up, they have to first kiss plenty of A** in order to move up. How high they climb, will have to depend on how good they kiss. And always, if the one does not kiss any ass, his a** will get KICKED. He will be first to fall, off the tree, during the great shakeups or even earlier. Monkey(s) at the top don't do any thing and at the bottom are not allowed to do any thing. Incidentally, Monkey at the top is the most lonely, hated and off-course most feared by all other.

Even in the times of peace, occasionally, they will jump around, shout, scream and shake the tree around them to show-off their strength, and let the others know, who is BOSS around? Monkeys in between are hard pressed to survive and are busy without work, jumping around, as if, they do not work, the tree will fall. In the process they damage the tree most.

During times of great difficulties and hardship, the monkeys on the top may fall a few branches down and hit the monkeys below. In the process, they make lot of screaming, grueling, teeth showing [biting faces] and face making. The monkeys below will take all the beating, as they have done all wrongs. Most of them will be fallen upon and eventually some will fall off the tree, as in retrenched [pink slip].

As compensation these monkeys, which fell off, get to keep the fruits [most of these rotten] those were shaken off the tree, during the commotion. The tree becomes lighter and life slowly returns to normal.


So, no victims, in this monkey business.


Amit BHagria

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