Looking for more accurate and detailed sourcing information on candidates? Ready to make it easier for individuals to learn more about your company? Interested in maintaining a two-way relationship with potential applicants?

We have the answer.

Frequently, candidates who visit your career website may not be ready to search jobs in your ATS. Or, they don’t have the time or patience for the often cumbersome process that many ATS databases require.
NAS Talent Network Quick Apply is a candidate relationship tool that helps you track candidates and learn what sources brought them to your organization. In addition, it allows you to build a network of engaged candidates, with the opportunity to keep in close contact with them and develop relationships that will lead them to join your company.

Here’s how it works.

We drive candidates to a landing page, or to a page on your website, that includes a simple form that can be quickly and easily completed. The form prompts candidates to join your talent network by providing
contact information that allows you to stay in touch. It also asks individuals to reveal the source that brought them to the site, which gives you accurate data on your most effective media and methods. NAS also offers reports that make it easy to determine next steps and adjust media plans.

Author: NAS Interactive

Views: 102


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