One organization is saving nearly 1,000 jobs and possibly creating other St Louis area job openings in the future.

It was recently reported that the National Archives and Records Administration's new $100 million high-performance National Personnel Records Center is only months away from the start of construction. The facility will help NARA save about 800 jobs.

"We are thrilled that construction of this building will soon be under way," Michael Brincks, acting regional administrator of U.S. General Services Administration, told the "The cooperation and support of St. Louis County, the State of Missouri and congressional delegation have helped us overcome tough economic times and put a great project back on track."

The center will serve as the largest national archives facility outside of the greater Washington, D.C. area and will house a central repository of personnel-related records for military and civil service employees. Most recently, Congress authorized the release of many prominent records, including those of President John F. Kennedy, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Elvis Presley, Roberto Clemente and Jackie Robinson.

The facility will be the record gatekeeper to government agencies, military veterans, former civilian federal employees and family members, as well as researchers and historians, and also will be responsible for more than 1 million record requests per year.

With any luck, the jobs saved through the center will help maintain a stable economy in St. Louis. The latest labor market statistics show that the city has kept a steady unemployment rate while seeing a continual increase in employment.

St. Louis had a total non-farm employment of 1,319,800 workers during October, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is up from 1,317,100 workers during September, but a 3.2 percent decrease from last year.

While the October unemployment rate in St. Louis has not yet been released, the city had an unemployment rate of 9.9 percent from June through September. The current national unemployment rate is 10.2 percent.

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