Amy Krodel's Comments

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At 11:38am on May 14, 2008, Michael Creighton said…
Hey Amy, just trying to grow my network...the more people you know...the better
At 3:58pm on May 9, 2008, Bill Vick said…
Hi Amy and welcome to RecruitingBlogs. I've found it to be a good resource for sharing and learning. Please let me know how I can help you in using it. I notice you are in Dallas. I live in Plano. :)

I'd like to invite you to join us here at the group.

We are a growing network of recruiters sharing ideas, techniques, technologies and pursuing excellence. We would value your input.
At 9:26pm on May 6, 2008, Moneik Lane said…
Hello Amy,

My name is Moneik McDonald, I would be very interested in networking with you..My company Beeline is opening a office in Dallas and I'm in Reston VA..still pretty new to the industry and just want to connect with people who maybe willing to reach out to others.
At 4:04pm on April 25, 2008, Jeff Dries said…
Hi Amy,

Any chance that you may know a Recruiter available for a short-term CT in Dallas?

Either way, let me know how I may assist you in the future!

- Jeff
At 5:23pm on April 19, 2008, Tektree Gopi said…
Hi Amy,

I am looking forward to welcome you as my connection.

I'm always open for professional networking especially in IT Staffing.

Let us start our relationship with my Firm Air Handshake.

Thanks in Advance.

Best Wishes,
View Gopi Srini Tektree []'s profile on LinkedIn
Link by
Yahoo/MSN/Google - IM: velloregopi

PSave trees. Print Only When Necessary.
At 9:23pm on April 17, 2008, Nishit Mehta (Open Networker +) said…
Amy, As rightly said by Karen, your kind are rare. We do prefer job boards though :)

Hope to be able to do business together along with fun and recruiting. Let me know if i could be of any help. With your experience, you sure would be a great help to someone like me. We have many open positions in Dallas and other areas and you local presence would be great plus.

Have a great networking !!!


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