Stacey Stockman's Comments

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At 11:43pm on June 23, 2008, Kumar Bodapati said…

This is Kumar Recruiting Manager with Geonine Inc. I would like to do business with you, we have about 60 software IT consultants on our payroll with different skills.

if you need any resources for your clients please contact me @

we mainly consentrating on ...

Dot Net (Share Point, Biztalk)
Oracle/ DBA

Look forward to work with you.

Kumar Bodapati
At 8:58pm on June 14, 2008, Tom Spero said…
Thanks for accepting my invite.
At 11:18pm on April 30, 2008, Bill Vick said…
Hi Stacey and welcome to RecruitingBlogs. I've found it to a good resource for sharing and learning. Please let me know if I can help you in using it.

Thank you for joining us at the group. We are a growing network of recruiters pursuing excellence and look forward to your participation.
At 6:01pm on April 27, 2008, Amitai Givertz said…
Hey Stacey,

I wanted to welcome you to and to offer my help if you need some to get the most out of this community.

I also wanted to invite you to join our South Florida Metro Recruiters group on and to think about how some of our local programs where we connect in person and help eachother out in practical ways might be helpful too.

If you like we have a website for the group that explains what we're all about - check it out here.

Last, some of us are getting together on Thursday, May 1 in Coral Springs for an informal meeting over coffee. I wanted to invite you to that as well. If you'd like to join us, please RSVP.

See you later...

Ami G.
At 10:47am on April 27, 2008, Recruiting Animal said…
I'm asking everyone with an alliterative name to be my friend. But you don't have to.
At 5:01pm on April 24, 2008, Stacey Stockman said…
Hey Johnathan ~
Thanks for reaching out. The majority of the Public CPA positions are in Florida. The IT, Sales and Marketing opportunities are nationwide, primarily throughout the East Coast, Chicago, and California. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Until then enjoy today :)

~ Stacey


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