Kent G Aanderson's Comments

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At 11:16am on April 25, 2008, Kent G Aanderson said…
I would invest in a person idea For FUTURE . I saw years ago the Gobal Value of a word FUTURE with peoples own ideas can creat global open door self suporting infranstrutures .
I also saw how the word FUTURE is like a infranstruture ad the people and their ideas or their
countries ideas for FUTURE is the Global product , and part of a Global infranstruture .
I have placed 12 years of my life and my own ideas To a word FUTURE . Im fighting 24/7
For the people Global FUTURE rights individual rights to use the word FUTURE .
The infranstruture is the US-Europe pend trademark applications for the word FUTURE pend for a world . and the usage would be shown threw the peole and their ideas . I see FUTURE
uniting all . FUTURE is a word that has a meaning of hope to all . Yes i would invest in people and tehir ideas For FUTURE I see value in a person ideas and working together with all .
by Kent G anderson of
At 10:48pm on April 24, 2008, Bill Vick said…
Hi Kent - I'd like to extend a personal invitation to join our group here on RecruitingBlogs. Our purpose is to help our group members achieve excellence in recruiting.


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