Diana Meisenhelter's Comments

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At 10:18pm on April 8, 2013, Sarah S Kadari said…

Hello Diana,

I would like to connect with you. I am a recruiter doing in house recruiting. I have been in this profession for a while now but still feel a long way to go about learning. It would be real joy and great privilege to learn from experienced people like you.

Thank You and Looking forward to connect

-Sarah Kadari


At 8:31pm on July 31, 2008, Robert Wilson said…
At 11:27am on May 14, 2008, Michael Creighton said…
Just discovering this site. Adding friends, the more you know!
At 6:16pm on May 7, 2008, Tektree Gopi said…
Hi Diana,

Wishes. I am looking forward to welcome you as my connection in Recruitingblogs.com
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Let us start our relationship with my Firm Air Handshake.

Thanks in Advance.

PSave trees. Print Only When Necessary.
At 5:15pm on May 7, 2008, Sheree Ruland said…
Hi Diana,

I'm a networking junkie as well - it's a pleasure to meet you and hope we can connect. I see my colleague Moneik also found you - small world! Possibly we can share some strategies we're using - I'm on LinkedIn constantly.
At 4:13pm on May 7, 2008, Diana Meisenhelter said…
Moneik, love to connect. Contact me at diana@rivieraadvisors.com or call me at 972-307-5637.
At 8:34pm on May 6, 2008, Moneik Lane said…
Hey Diana,

I would like to connect with you, I want to meet GREAT networkers in the Dallas area. My Company Beeline is opening a office there, and I'm in Reston VA...still being pretty new to Recruiting I just want to be introduced to people eager to help.

At 1:59pm on April 30, 2008, Chris Limboo said…
Hi Diana,

Welcome to recruitngblogs.
At 1:39pm on April 29, 2008, Sally Raade said…
Aloha Diana,

I cant' believe how fast time has flown by. I've been in the staffing industry since 1995. I had relocated to Hawaii on May 17, 2003 and I started MPC and Company on June 10, 2003. My company will be 5 yrs old this coming June 10, 2008. Yay!

I'm currently working on improving my public speaking skills. When I grow up, I want to be a motivational speaker..but then again, I may not want to grow up.

What keeps me up at night? Well, that's a different story..it depends on what chapters of my life you want to read. Hahaha..
At 2:21am on April 29, 2008, Sally Raade said…
Aloha Diana,

Welcome to the community! For this year, my goal was to network
with one person per week that's in our profession. That way, I would
have 52 new friends by the end of the year.

I'm way over my quota! Have a great week!



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