I get so frustrated with "your reply must be approved" on blogs....

Nothing bugs me more than entering a comment only to find the blog is moderated and my comment must be approved.

Do you want conversation?  If so - conversation is the free flow of dialogue.  That means - you say something, I say something, you reply, I reply and so on.

If you moderate your blog here - it more or less says "I am here to tell you what I think" which is not the way a thriving community continues to grow.

Thank you.

Views: 1016

Comment by Bill Schultz on March 28, 2012 at 2:15pm

Right on.  In this case,  I just delete my post once they approve it.  There should be a warning that labels a moderated post.  

Comment by Tim Spagnola on March 28, 2012 at 2:28pm

Conversation is what the RBC is all about. I wish there was a notification of some sort Bill to make folks aware of this setting prior to you taking the time to leave a comment, but sadly there is not. If you are here to add your voice to the conversation it should be a two way street.

Comment by Jerry Albright on March 28, 2012 at 2:28pm

Perhaps the moderated posts could have something like this:

Dear commenter - be advised that while you may spend quite a bit of time putting together a very important group of thoughts on this topic - while forsaking your clients and candidates who need your undivided attention - when you hit the Add Comment button you're going to be pissed off because the person who wrote this blog wants to be in charge of all replies and each comment is subject to their approval.  Your contribution to this topic may or may not ever be seen by anyone other than the moderator. 

Comment by Bill Schultz on March 28, 2012 at 2:48pm

That would be sufficient.  

Comment by Ivan Stojanovic on March 28, 2012 at 3:52pm

Hmm,,, Jerry, you might be onto something here. Let me make a WordPress plugin and release it on WordPress.org, and see if it gets a life of it’s own.

Comment by Jerry Albright on March 28, 2012 at 3:55pm

Ivan - will we get famous?

I so desperately need to get famous somehow.........

Comment by Amy Ala Miller on March 28, 2012 at 4:55pm

Jerry you're already famous around here. :) Totally agree.

Comment by Sandra McCartt on March 28, 2012 at 5:34pm

While we are at it.  How about these wonderful blogs that are infomercials with about one paragraph about something and a link to somebody's web site to finish reading.  Screw those.  Take your loss leader item someplace else.  If you can't post the full blog here don't bother.  I am sure not going to feed you ego by clicking on your site so you can count the number of hits you get.  You know who you are Phil.

Comment by Jerry Albright on March 29, 2012 at 8:56am

Looks to me like new RBC member Bob McIntosh is only here to advertise himself and approve only the comments to his blogs that pat him on the back.

Perhaps if I would have said "Wow!  What insight!  This saved my life!" it would be approved.  But I guess since I suggested his stat from Dan Schwabel was "dubious" he figured I was not adding to his mutual admiration society.

Bob - if you read this:  How about unmoderating your blogs - and creating a discussion?

Comment by Helen Burbank (Appleby) on March 29, 2012 at 9:13am

I agree in principal, but having seen half the robo-spam-bots that like try and auto post on our blog has convinced us that the moderation tool is key. We let through anything that is legitimate - agreeing or disagreeing with the post 


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