(this is a response to a post on Sourcers unleashed on the types of sourcing...)

The types of sourcing that I do is a mix of online (passive and active), phone and networking.

The online sourcing can be broken down further into targeting active candidates/those that respond (ie low hanging fruit) through various job boards and getting responses from general and niche job boards. Then of course there is using the Internet to identify passive candidates that may be interested themselves or be able to refer someone that may be a good fit. (Looking at Blog Posts, various profiles on networking sites, conference attendee lists etc)

Of course you are always going to be getting a better response from a combination of phone and e-mail than an e-mail alone so getting on the phone is always important in finding the passives.

Finally going out and meeting potential candidates at networking events such as user group meetings and conferences is always a good way to expand your reach. Many conferences have a free Expo only pass (Oracle World is an example). I am starting to see more companies and recruiters using event sights like meetup as a way to reach candidates.

Marcus Zack Ronaldi
My LinkedIn Profile

My Facebook Profile

I am running 1000 miles in 2008 to raise money for Parkinsons

I am raising money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and would be thrilled/honored with any help

My resume

Views: 1968

Comment by Tina Huckabay on November 4, 2008 at 2:08pm
Just remember in today's market, the job boards and the "low hanging fruit" may have many who would normally be your passive candidate but are not due to economy. Don't skim them too quickly.....
Comment by Marcus Ronaldi on November 4, 2008 at 2:13pm
I have no issue with job board candidates.
Depending on the position, job boards and responders can be the best source.
Comment by Maureen Sharib on November 4, 2008 at 4:25pm
Marcus, can you regale us with some of your phone sourcing stories?


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