According to the local press and a couple of chats with local recruiters, the war for talent, esp in IT, is on here in Australia too. I don't know whether local recruiters are blogging about it. Another thing I picked up on at the ad:tech Sydney conference some weeks ago was that some of the firms in the digital/interactive advertising space are finding it a challenge to meet the pay expectations of digital hotshots and stay profitable. I got the impression that some thought there were signs of a repeat of dotcom boom excesses. This is all hearsay - I don't have direct evidence. Except on the war for talent front there was a notice this week in the IT section of a national newspaper about a seminar so titled.
It was a great night. we had lots of fun. It's nice when Sumser says nice things. Lets stay in touch. I need to find out more about what your company does
glad you asked. i got on the bus to go back and change at the hilton and we got caught 2x by a freight train. took me 45 mins to get back to the hotel. i wasn't out of there till almost 10pm. sorry about that. sounds like it was fun though. i ended up at the W party and then some random night club. you got a nice plug today by sumser so i had to check it out. i like the borat video too! that guy's pretty good at the imitation.
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