Netshare Company Profile

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Connecting Decision Makers Since 1991


NETSHARE, Inc. is a community of executives that offers its members what they need to succeed in their career today; whether employed or in transition. A NETSHARE membership makes available career information, professional career support, networking opportunities, unique personal service and $100k+ jobs. Connecting decision makers since 1991, NETSHARE has proven to be a viable executive community through the highs and lows of various market conditions…recognized by both Forbes and Fortune as a quality destination for executives.

Category: Job Board
Company Size: 5-10
Type:Private Company
Founded: 1991

Type of Person Niche Board

Contact Info:
(800) 241-5642

83 Hamilton Dr., Ste. 202
Novato, CA
United States

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Apr 13, 2010 6:19 PM    DirID: 33305317
1Job Board 1Private Company 15-10 1CA 1United States 1United States


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