I am not sure selling in this economy is more then doing very well, what you already did well in a great economy. Build relationships by serving the needs of others, communicating effectively what you can do for them. Share information that is useful to build a reputation that is solid for yourself and your firm. Better yet, help them build a solid reputation for themselves by giving them tools and information that help them. All this, because it is a good and friendly thing to do, and because, when the need arises they think of you - someone they know and have grown to trust,  as their staffing solution provider.


Staffing makes firms more efficient, flexible to market fluctuations, able to test new markets and products more economically. So many great things. The time to educate your best potential clients is before they see a need for a temporary worker. So, tactically what am I talking about?


Stay in touch across social media sites. Ask "how it is going" occassionally and naturally. Share articles of interest as your find them, with their business challenges in mind. Invite prospects to events that will help them, share good deals on things you don't sell. Yes, even helping someone else do business with them. (not your competitor, of couse) But you get where I am going.


My friend Brynn Tindall at www.horizonmarketing.com follows online marketing, Robert Brooks, founder of www.eldercarelink.com and a great entrepreneur I worked with, follows all things Senior Care, Kendra Wright at www.wrightstrategies, loves advergaming and what's new in Social Media. I have two friends looking for leadership positions in the advertising industry, I ping them opportunities I find. Maybe they will be in a place to hire a staffing agency some day. (did you notice I just helped my friends in that paragraph, see this is simple!)


Your network will get what you are good at by the information you share readily and generously.


Think about it. And have fun. This can be fun. Enjoy helping others.

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