First of all, thank you for having me as part of your community. I have a naive question about Friends. What are Friends? Are they similar to Friends on Facebook? Lastly, how does one go about making Friends? Is there etiquette involved, like there is in terms of connecting with people on LinkedIn?

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Hi, Robert! I would say it is similar to other SM networking sites in regards to "friends". If you want to invite someone to be your friend on RBC, you can:


Go to the top right hand box under the tool bar and click on Friends - Invite


If you have clicked on a particular member's profile page there is an option usually near the left to add them as your friend. Or again on the right hand side of page under tool bar.


I would say this is a pretty relaxed forum, and even if you don't want to add friends yet there is always lots of dialouge going on in the general posts.

I think this is best explained by the immortal Bette Midler:

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