What are you doing to make yourself "findable" these days?

There's a question over on LinkedIn I posted a day or so ago and already it has ten answers:
What are you doing to make yourself "findable" these days?
Recently, for the very first time, I've had a spate of candidates contacting me willing to pay for me to put lists of Hiring Managers together so they can contact them directly without that disappointing Gatekeeper experience. It's got me to thinking about the topsy-turvy nature of our world and the things we can all do to help one another through these trying times.
These days, it's more important than ever that you make yourself accessible to those who are looking for the skills/education that you possess. (Yes, Matilda, there are employers looking for people like you, specifically, right at this very minute!) What are you doing nowadays to make yourself more "findable" to them?
One thing I suggest you all do (those of you with jobs) is put your title along with your name on your voice mail system (hey, your cell # would be cool too). I often cruise voice mail systems within companies looking for "names." Make it easy for me, will ya'?
Beyond this, what else can you think to do?

Read the (some creative) answers here.

I know many of you are being contacted by spooked employees and now-out-of-job-candidates more than you ever have been before - what do you tell them to do?

“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.” ~ Vincent van Gogh

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