12:10pm Maureen Sharib Right, Ryan. Listen up. Here's how I use directories. 12:10pm Maureen Sharib Late at night I call into a company (when I know they're closed). This works best for small to medium size companies (1- 500 people)
12:10pm Kim Monmonier Gotcha
12:11pm Maureen Sharib I am prepared to spend a couple, or a few, hours. Any of you object to investing that much time?
12:11pm John Burzynski whatever it takes
12:11pm Maureen Sharib I call and I methodically pull EVERY NAME down off the directory. You guys all know how to do that?
12:12pm Marney Reed no - please explain
12:13pm Maureen Sharib Once in, the automated directory instructs you to spell by name (at most). You enter "2" for any names starting with AB or C. "3" for any names starting with DE and F. Understand?
12:13pm Ryan Haire Maureen- What strategy do you use when you have a bunch of names from dissimilar depts to get title? typically people don't leave titles on VM.... how do you approach the gk with a bunch of names
12:14pm Maureen Sharib It might tell you to "enter the first four letters of a person's last name".
12:14pm Maureen Sharib Don't. Can anyone tell me why?
12:14pm Chris De Leo so bascially you would just put in 1 letter?
12:14pm Kim Monmonier Most directories have you put in the first three letters
12:14pm Maureen Sharib Ryan I'm getting to that but first I see I have to demonstrate what I'm talking about as to where I got those names...
12:15pm Maureen Sharib Most directories tell you to enter three or four letters - most don't REALLY require you enter that many. Anyone know what I mean?
12:15pm Kim Monmonier i get what you are saying
12:15pm Julia Stone ok, yes, but alot of them won't allow just 1 either, right?
12:15pm Maureen Sharib Right. Some won't Julia.
12:15pm jayson seymour Maureen, Brilliant! Why didn't I think of that.
12:16pm Maureen Sharib Then you enter another. But only one more.
12:16pm Julia Stone so you just use the process of elimination
12:16pm Maureen Sharib The trick is to WAIT after each entry.
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