Have any of you come across a job discription that REALLY grabbed you attention?

I found this job discription on Zoominfo. The job title is "General Rock Stars"

You know you would have to check it out as well! I look at other companies sites often, I usually see what they have open, salary info, job site design. The usual. This is the first time a site actually got my attention with a title.

Well done. Now thats a cool way to build the Employment Brand.



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I agree. What about any of these?

Shameless plug :) Well done. You did get me to pop back onto Jobsinpods.com it has been a while.
Ever the marketer, I am.
Just stumbled across this, and wanted to say thanks - you just kinda made my day. I'm trying to justify my writing degree through creative job posts, so nice to know there's a fan of out there.

Btw, quick stat on the General Rock Stars opening - we've had about 30 positions up on the board in the past 12 months, and the GRS post has accounted for 9% of views on specific openings. We've had 84 applicants come in through the posting over that time, and have hired 2 of them for roles we hadn't posted yet, but were considering hiring for - effectively saving us from posting & sourcing for those positions. Ultimate recruiting goal, to my mind. I also get a ton of people applying directly to my inbox who use the Rock Star moniker as a way of breaking the ice.

(And, oddly enough, my little Outlook "New Message" alert just floated up as I was typing this, and the e-mail subject is "Rock Star Wannabe". Nothing like timing, right?)

Thanks again, you, umm, rock :)
Well, I love the creativity Martin. Rock on :)
Someone just posted this job on one of my boards. I thought "Office Saviour" was a clever title.
Thanks, will do - you going to ERE next week?
No I am not, I am now regreting I didn't arrange it.
Martin, I will be there...
Good deal Chris - we should get together. my cell's 617-851-7277. They've got us up at the Windsor Park (which lists among its amenities "Vending machines", so I'm pretty excited).

Are you playing poker?
Zoom Info and Lou Adler are closely aligned - I suspect the idea for the rock star posting came from one of his seminars. If you haven't read his book, Hire with your Head, or checked out www.adlerconcepts.com it's "must have" stuff for a recruiter. No I did not get paid to say that - I just think Lou is top-shelf when it comes to recruiting. I'd like to post some of my own "rock star" jobs, but still haven't gotten the buy in from upper management to go that far out of the box. :-(
Hi Dave

Lou's a great guy, and I respect his ideas, but the rock star posting is my own odd-ball creation. I'd just started working here when my sister was talking about a friend of ours who has become a Boston celebrity chef, named Andy Husbands. She'd said "Yeah, Andy's kind of a rock star.." That rattled around in my head, and the ad popped out of it. I think the "general" term came out of my watching too many Road Runner cartoons in my youth. "Acme Industries" seemed to do a lot of "general cannonballs", etc, etc....

I'm fortunate here that our management's big into letting us try out new ideas, and expects the occasional mistake (a lack of mistakes usually means the person isn't trying hard enough - even Hendrix hit the occasional wrong chord).

Feel free to tell your management that this "out of the box" approach has generated some of our strongest candidates, at zero cost. We also get candidates who come in through other postings or sources, who mention that part of what has them so excited about working here is that we had a job like that up on our site. Job postings are advertisements for a product (a job) - and for an advertisement to be effective, it has to pop. Luckily for me, most job ads are pretty atrocious - makes standing out waaay easier than usual.


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