Best Remark of the Day “In the first few seconds of the call, you fumble or say the wrong thing. The receptionist is smart and knows you are phishing.” ~ Paul Davenport

Maureen Sharib
This came into my mail today:How to Build Trust in Sales Conversations, Charles H. Green will teach you how to address the crucial element of trust building head-on so you can win more clients in less time. $99 to attend if you're interested - here.

Maureen Sharib
Elyse asked: What are the limits of trust? Or even further: is it ok to play on people's emotions or should we stick to fact? Where do you all see the matter of trust as it relates to sourcing? As sourcers, do we need to develop relationships w/ potential candidates?

Ryan Haire
how do you get into departments with a lot of people -- Do you make one sourcing call specifically for the supervisors and then individually into the supervisors groups?

Maureen Sharib
I usually go in through the Receptionist's desk - on that first call I attempt to info gather as to who's who rather than who it is exactly I want - usually it's the "who's who" who is going to spill the beans for me.

PJ Cunningham
We need to establish trust in order for our contacts to feel comfortable giving us leads, names, etc.

Ryan Haire
Trust is the only reason anyone gives us any information--- Unless they just don't care

PJ Cunningham
so true, receptionsts like to be helpful and share what they know...

Maureen Sharib
How do you establish trust PJ? Are you talking about trust in a recruiter's role?

PJ Cunningham
Yes actually, in both roles, as a Recruiter and Business Development role. I just tell the truth and ask for help. "I wonder if you can help me...I am looking for...."

Maureen Sharib
So you're estbalishing trust as a recruiter...? Sounds to me like maybe it's in a sourcing role...?

PJ Cunningham
Ask the receptionist for advice on how to approach certain people as well. "How does Joe like to be contactd? Via email or phone?”

Maureen Sharib
That's interesting. You're gaining her co-operation that way... A sourcer has about three seconds to establish trust, IMO. I think it's in how we SOUND when we call.
Ryan, you said: "Trust is the only reason anyone gives us any information--- Unless they just don't care" Care abt what?

PJ Cunningham
I could use more help in sourcing names per se. I am always open for improvement, even after 20 years in the staffing arena

PJ Cunningham
We should sound sincere and not playing sales game

Maureen Sharib
That's right PJ - you think she can recognize a sales game?

PJ Cunningham
it depends upon the receptionist - is she/he new to the front desk or does she/he have a lot of experience fielding sales calls?

PJ Cunningham
Either way, if we are sincere at all time, that is the foundation to our communication

Maureen Sharib
When you realize she's new - what's your approach? How fast does it take for you to realize her level of experience? What gives that away?

Read the whole phone sourcing classroom chat log here.

Views: 12


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