As an IT recruiter I get many emails everyday from H1b consulting companies pimping their consultants. This is a complete waste of my time!!! Of course, some of them go immediately in my spam folder while others slip through the cracks.

The firms sending these emails are "pimps", they are low lifes who have no clue how to skill market talent. They are flesh peddlers, most of the time representing consultants with fictious qualifications. Geez, their resumes all look a like. They must use a damn template.

Most of the time they use bogus email addresses so you cannot reply to be removed from their list. Others inundate you with email after email, after email. I like to play with their heads and reply numerous times with "Remove" in the subject line.

So, what can we do to rid ourselves of these scum sucking time wasters? I say we line em all up and "stone them to death"!! (with really big rocks!)

Your thoughts?

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Hi Tom,
It can be overwhelming, but I wouldn't reply to remove your email. That let's them know your email is active and it could be sold or emailed out to more services or somewhere else. (if the original email is even from a firm and not a mailing list) I just tag it as junk mail and delete my folders at the end of the day. I only get like 2/day if that now, so it's really worked for me to tag em.
Makes good sense, thanks Dean!

Dean Lockett said:
Hi Tom,
It can be overwhelming, but I wouldn't reply to remove your email. That let's them know your email is active and it could be sold or emailed out to more services or somewhere else. (if the original email is even from a firm and not a mailing list) I just tag it as junk mail and delete my folders at the end of the day. I only get like 2/day if that now, so it's really worked for me to tag em.
There are times they have their uses...I will give them that, but honestly it is very few and VERY far between.

There are a few of them that I believe are legitimate, and I have worked with 1 or 2 of these companies, but you are right...the majority are flesh-peddling wastes of time.

I don't have a solution...just a sympathetic reply as I think we all deal with this same issue.
Thanks Kent. Well said. I appreciate your feedback.

Kent Sims said:
There are times they have their uses...I will give them that, but honestly it is very few and VERY far between.

There are a few of them that I believe are legitimate, and I have worked with 1 or 2 of these companies, but you are right...the majority are flesh-peddling wastes of time.

I don't have a solution...just a sympathetic reply as I think we all deal with this same issue.

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