When it rains, sell umbrellas. You can quickly create a new income stream by offering online outplacement services to client companies using the leader in self-directed e-learning career tools. This program started in the higher education segment with over 600 universities and has been adapted for recruiting firms. You get a private branded one-stop-shop with everything from assessments to video resumes. Very slick. Check it out and let me know what you think.
See https://www.optimalresume.com/outplacement.html

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First impression is that this could be perceived as a conflict of interest, sort of double-dipping. I'd rather put my energy into making placements. :)
It really is much like the same thing - making a placement. Companies that are sticker-shocked with the costs of traditional outplacement services can utilize this to help people who otherwise may not have gotten anything except a pink slip. Of course if you do not have the requirement to switch gears, why switch?

BTW, here is some output: http://my.confidentialresume.com/amorman

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