Any details you can provide on the best CRM management software in the marketplace would be extremely helpful.

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I'll kick this off Bill.  

We use Bullhorn, the decision was based on a mixture of ease of use, features, cost, workflow, ability to integrate with other systems.

It is not perfect, and we are currently looking at other systems, but it is very easy to get up and running and pretty intuitive to use.  Cons are that it doesn't integrate well(have to use IE browser and outlook), and the UI is messy.

hope this helps

Hi Bill,

I currently use Elements CRM, a mac based, hosted CRM tool. It is a pure CRM system, so not a recruitment software. It is really good and has helped increase my productivity in many ways. It also connects into Mailchimp which I find particularly useful (if email marketing is important to you).

The best recruitment system I have used however is Filefinder by Dillistone. It really is amazingly good, very simple and the back up and support that Dillistone give is the best I have ever experienced. The UI is great, the integration with outlook etc is faultless and it has some neat tricks, like Linked In integration.

Well worth a demo. 



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