As a recruiter, how can I place my surplus inventory of vetted candidates?

Hi all,

I work at a company called RecruitiFi, and I am trying to figure out if there is another platform other than, which allows you to make extra commissions by placing your excess inventory of candidates?  Not a contingent or retained search, just to place candidates that recruiters already have vetted and in their back pocket.  



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Isn't that what LinkedIn is for?

Thanks Matt, what I had in mind though was a platform where you are invited by the client to work on a relevant opening as opposed to spending time sourcing new clients.  I am just trying to figure out who our competition would be.  Thanks. 

This IT consultant-based business model is very interesting Greg, thanks for bringing to my attention.  RecruitiFi is a transactional platform tailored for permanent positions in all industries.  We bring the client to the recruiter and the recruiter places high-quality, vetted candidates at a flat rate of 12%.  In other words, our site is fueled by high volume and high velocity placements.  

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