What online calendar scheduling tools are you using to set up interviews between Clients and Candidates? I need something that allows me to administer the process and easily handles reschedules by either party.

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How about a Virtual Scheduler who handles it all for $3.00/hr or less?



Please share details.

Certainly. You search to find a free-lance person on a number of the internet sites who will handles scheduling and coordinating, similar to what the FT employee of my client does for me. My virtual assistant who does basic web research and data entry for me could probably do it- she's great. If not, I bet she could recommend someone.


Keith keithsrj@sbcglobal.net 415.672.7326 c

That is an interesting dilemma Craig. Since making my move in-house I have not been confronted with this, but have received calendar invites from 3rd Party recruiters ties to a Google Calendar. Unfortunately does not sync with my Outlook (sure there is some workaround). I be curious to other suggestions folks might have. 

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