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Well, here it is, a year later and I'm just now seeing this.

Thanks for posting this here at Recruiting Blogs, you are appreciated.

(I've had their ads referred to me by candidates on file for follow-up by me since I was already representing them and was sending them on interviews/sending out their resume. I've not seen a situation where an ad run by Ladders did not in fact exist so I did know there was a problem with them.)

So, like I said, thanks.

(If you are wondering...their ads usually have enough background detail in their text that given an understanding of different industries, it is possible to decipher who the original client is. Often, if I don't, my candidate does.

This, as you know, goes on all the time. Those jokers put too much background detail in their 'blind' ads which I find to be a crack-up. ("East of the Carolina River and North of the Number 105 Turnpike")

Best Regards,

Love your hat although I don't think Texas deserves you. You have a NY look, not a TX look. I'm sure you have heard that before...


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