We're 15K plus strong now, yet I'd wager the 80-20 rule is in effect: 20% of RBC members are doing 80% of the work (although I suspect the gap is even larger).

I know there are always lurkers in these things - kind of hard to think of a recruiter as a lurker - but rather than just joining groups, how about a post every once in a while? I notice that the leader board is filled with high point people who have less that 10 posts/comments but are signed up for 100+ groups (not you Lonnie - you contribute).

Do we really want people who do not contribute to our community - at least in some tangible way (like the people they invite contributing) - to be members?


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I made some smart-ass remark to something you said calling you out completely out of context -not understanding WHAT YOU WERE SAYING. You graciously called me on the phone (after all I plastered my phone number EVERYWHERE) to introduce yourself and to make friends. You could have been highly indignant but you weren't. You could have called me an idiot but you didn't. You could have pointed out my ignorance but you chose instead to educate me. You were very kind. It made a VERY BIG IMPRESSION on me - one I will never forget.

The rest, we can call it, is "history."


PS I never said it before but I want to say it now. Thank you.
Steve its almost always a better idea to include rather than exclude unless you are in a lifeboat or on an ice floe with limited supplies(!)

but since we have an endless supply of pixels and electrons, whats the point of worrying about lurkers v. posters ?

I see RB as a social network of people around the recruiting biz- and social scenes have their own tides that resist manipulation- it's like trying to have fun v. realizing you just had fun.

If anything, I worry that I post too often- I'm boring enough in real life- why export that here ?
I definitely think we do! Granted I am still a relative newbie to the site myself, I've really enjoyed contributing. I hope that I'm adding value with the posts and comments that I put up, and if not, I'll keep learning more regardless so it is a worthwhile experience.

That said, it would be nice to see more people contribute in a productive way. I'm wondering, did Jerry's NICE AD post get the wheels turning on this for you?
I think that if there was a required way to intereact with this site, it would fail miserably. It's unreasonable to expect the vast majority of people to contribute content. The members who come and visit and spend 3-6 or more minutes a day represent a major contribution. It's like what Jerry Albright explained to me a few weeks back when he was talking about a gated community. Not everyone who pays to be there wants, expects or enjoys the same thing. The idea is that it is there for the taking and as long as the upkeep is maintained, it will work. It's true that most people don't contribute content or comments but that has never been an issue and I feel that if that was the goal, the site would fail. As long as the content that is generated is on topic for the most part, mixed in with a little bit of outrageous behavior once in a while, this will be a fun site for I hope everyone.
I have lots of hard drive space but I don't use all of it; Lefrak City has lots of buildings and apartments but because so relatively few do the community thing, it is falling apart. Community always means responsibility. By no means am I thinking having "stay" requirements; I'm simply wondering out loud why people don't participate more.

And we've talked about this for years marty - you don't post enough.

Martin H.Snyder said:
...but since we have an endless supply of pixels and electrons, whats the point of worrying about lurkers v. posters ?

If anything, I worry that I post too often- I'm boring enough in real life- why export that here ?
Gino - thx for coming in. Jerry has no influence over anything I do. I just like him. As the long-timers here will tell you, I tend to wonder out loud and occasionally trip over my myself when doing so. But it's still easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...

Gino Conti said:
That said, it would be nice to see more people contribute in a productive way. I'm wondering, did Jerry's NICE AD post get the wheels turning on this for you?
I'm all for wondering out loud...tend to do it a bit myself from time to time.

I just realize that I failed to add in my previous response that I think Maureen is pretty close to hitting her proposed ratio on the head. If you don't look close enough the mainpage can look very similar from day to day, but that's just because the ones who contribute the most are the same small group so those are the names and faces you see daily...

Either that or they contribute so much it is harder to notice those who only post every now and again. No matter what I love the free flow of ideas here so I'm happy the people who post regularly do so!

Steve Levy said:
Gino - thx for coming in. Jerry has no influence over anything I do. I just like him. As the long-timers here will tell you, I tend to wonder out loud and occasionally trip over my myself when doing so. But it's still easier to ask for forgiveness than permission...

Gino Conti said:
That said, it would be nice to see more people contribute in a productive way. I'm wondering, did Jerry's NICE AD post get the wheels turning on this for you?
I am sure that there is plenty of lurking and checking in and fading in and fading out of spending time on RBC. I checked in and read a few things here and there well before ever contributing at all. There was value in it for me. Since starting to contribute it now brings a lot more value and I'm sure I will continue to contribute more and the value will go up. I think you want to be very inclusive. People connect here even if they don't contribute. I think those who do contribute should continue to promote participation. Getting people to start to reply in discussions is an easy first step. Something promoting that, like an e-mail to all members, I think would do very well. Also, I'd love to see it set up so I receive an e-mail when there is a reply to a discussion I have participated in, like Facebook does. That really helps engage people.

Todd Kmiec
Todd Kmiec & Associates



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Todd - I receive emails each time a discussion I'm in gets some action. I can the stop following it if I wish. I'm wondering why it doesn't happen for you? It would be very hard to keep track of your discussions without that feature activated.

Todd Kmiec said:
I am sure that there is plenty of lurking and checking in and fading in and fading out of spending time on RBC. I checked in and read a few things here and there well before ever contributing at all. There was value in it for me. Since starting to contribute it now brings a lot more value and I'm sure I will continue to contribute more and the value will go up. I think you want to be very inclusive. People connect here even if they don't contribute. I think those who do contribute should continue to promote participation. Getting people to start to reply in discussions is an easy first step. Something promoting that, like an e-mail to all members, I think would do very well. Also, I'd love to see it set up so I receive an e-mail when there is a reply to a discussion I have participated in, like Facebook does. That really helps engage people.

Todd Kmiec
Todd Kmiec & Associates



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Just to expand Jerry's comment... there is a button on the bottom right.. just above the coffee cups, says "Follow", when you do follow, you can click "stop following" as I've had to on a couple of enormous threads.. ie that Religion one .... 200+ comments I think off the top of my head... Drove my inbox crazy.

Jerry Albright said:
Todd - I receive emails each time a discussion I'm in gets some action. I can the stop following it if I wish. I'm wondering why it doesn't happen for you? It would be very hard to keep track of your discussions without that feature activated.

Todd Kmiec said:
I am sure that there is plenty of lurking and checking in and fading in and fading out of spending time on RBC. I checked in and read a few things here and there well before ever contributing at all. There was value in it for me. Since starting to contribute it now brings a lot more value and I'm sure I will continue to contribute more and the value will go up. I think you want to be very inclusive. People connect here even if they don't contribute. I think those who do contribute should continue to promote participation. Getting people to start to reply in discussions is an easy first step. Something promoting that, like an e-mail to all members, I think would do very well. Also, I'd love to see it set up so I receive an e-mail when there is a reply to a discussion I have participated in, like Facebook does. That really helps engage people.

Todd Kmiec
Todd Kmiec & Associates



Follow me on Twitter http://twitter.com/toddkmiec

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Jerry and Dan-

I called Todd and told him about the Settings...what comes to mind in all of this is that as recruiters we've neglected to apply onboarding principles here @RBC. Let's put together a Welcome Wagon package that all new members receive and maybe, just maybe, this will result in more action...

Yes, I'm volunteering to put the package together. Who wants to join me?
I'll volunteer Dan, Maren and Dean to help you. That should do it. I'd jump in - but with the 4 of you I'd only be crowding things. Good luck all!

Steve Levy said:
Jerry and Dan-

I called Todd and told him about the Settings...what comes to mind in all of this is that as recruiters we've neglected to apply onboarding principles here @RBC. Let's put together a Welcome Wagon package that all new members receive and maybe, just maybe, this will result in more action...

Yes, I'm volunteering to put the package together. Who wants to join me?

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