Hey, JD, here it is again.

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well, I left a message on the first post and it had been removed. my message was

" I didn't get that email"
What email?
Jason, I hope you find some time to relax on your birthday.
That's all I have to say about that.
I don't know if every decade gets better, or that our expectations lower as we get older. In any event, here's wishing you a fabulous 40 and beyond, Jason!
Happy B-Day, JD.
thanks. Not till tomorrow though
Happy Birthday, Jason, and best wishes to you and your family!

Irina (an RBC fan).
Hey, no fair. I waited until it was almost time.

Happy BD, JD. Your partnership and friendship are important parts of my life. Thanks for everything you do for the community.

Happy Birthday and Best WIshes today, tomorrow, and all days.

Thank you for being a friend. Your advice and time over the years has been a big help to me.

I was going to do a video for you like you did for me last year on my day but I cannot sing at all. So rather than scare away members will skip it for now.

You may remember that after meeting you my Mom thought you were "a kid" in your late 20's. When I told her tonight you are turning 40 she smiled, said no way, smiled, and walked away shaking her head in disbelief.

Yes, that is a good thing.


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