Attention all recruiters who work for a fee.

There is a poll on LinkedIn that you should answer at

There are not enough good jobs out there and there are too many hungry recruiters, so every search seems to have muliple recruiters working them. Lately, those of us who work for a fee, especially contingency recruiters, are spending alot of time and money on trying to fill assignments and then learning that the positon is filled by another recruiter or by an inside employee. HR is not being cooperative, thinking that the more recruiters they have on a search, the better off they will be.

What if we had a way to get some of that fee paid to us anyway????
Would you be willing to take a lower fee percentage to get that guarantee?
How much is enough?

If you have any specific thoughts on this, please add to this discussion. There are so many points to be made from several of the statements in this discussion. Please comment.

If you would rather comment privately, you may email me at

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I would and you actually hit on a topic that's been on my mind lately. As a matter of fact, I'd be open to seeing some data on the use of third party recruiters PERIOD by industry and geography. Know where to find that stuff? If anyone does please email or message me directly. Thanks!
Good thought! I, too, would love to see any stats on the use of 3rd party recruiters. If anyone has anything, post it here for us all to share.

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