Curious if some of the smaller firms have invested in Linkedin Recruiter.  How has it helped? Is it worth the investment?

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I've used it for years and now it really is not worth the money.  I get 1 response to hundreds of inmails.  It's not the magic bullet.  

LinkedIN Recruiter is worth it ... But you really need to use it from a Social Community Network perspective and not a Job Board  ... Users want to check out the Recruiter who is trying to contact them - If you have no useful content on your profile other than " I have a need for " (One way street thinking) to provide when they hit your profile and you just  treat it like a Job Board ... Your Response rate will be low ... My response rate is 7/8 for every 10 Inmails and they are niche and crafted for the target user -  I also strongly suggest you  get only one account.  Try it for 3 months.  I have a more extensive answer on this on Quora:


Are you talking about "Talent Finder" or  Linkedin Recruiter - the 2nd being far more costly.




I was referring to LinkedIn Recruiter  ....

We bought it in January and made 4 perm placements for $125k.  We already better than doubled our investment with 6 months left this year.  Great tool definitely worth the money.

@Anthony - what specifically did you find the most useful vs. the free accounts? Thanks....

I just got it a few months ago. It makes life a lot easier . Especially the ability to send bulk in mails. If people would like, I can get a rep on here for a q&a.

I think LinkedIn Recruiter is overpriced as a tool for a small company; also, it provides only limited views of member profiles, which adds inconvenience. As an example, if a member has a resume attached to her profile you will not see this from LI Recruiter. So if you buy it, you will have to keep two windows open, Recruiter and personal, because you will see more info on many profiles from your personal account; pretty inconvenient.

The extra search facets are nice but some are a bit misleading.

InMails are great, but any paid account will give you inmails. (Bulk InMails are a dream but we can survive sending them one by one :)) You can send bulk messages though, if you join a good number of groups where your candidates hang out.

I would recommend getting the Talent Finder account.

Having some paid account is a very good idea, I think; nothing beats an InMail if you can't send a message.

My 2c


P.S. Oh, and try if you haven't.

Thanks Irina. Interesting comments.  I have Talent Finder - I had heard that LI Recruiter allows you to do searches among the contacts of your connections - that could be useful. 


Re: In mails - how many of you get responses from people 6 months later - because they didn't check their LI account and don't receive the Inmails via their regular email.   I sense that many people are in this category - making emails to them a waste (even if you get it back).   Always best to track down an email address or a phone.

You can search among contacts of your connections with a free account, actually. Those are called 2nd level connections.

The vast majority of LI members do get InMails in the regular email because it is the default.

You can search contacts of your connections but just ine by one. 


As example, I am searching the connections of someone now  - he must have 40+ pages of contacts.  The Recruiter acount would allow an advanced search (I believe) which can be useful. 


Hope you are right on inmails  - but I often get very late replies asking if the job is stillopen (6 months late).

What I liked best is that I can get the profiles full name regardless of my connection level and that I can contact them thru inmails.  I also like that I am not limited to 100 profiles like I am with the free account.

Amber said:

@Anthony - what specifically did you find the most useful vs. the free accounts? Thanks....

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