We are always on the hunt for the mythical  "purple squirrel"....

But it exists!


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Oh ye of little faith!  

Valentino Martinez said:

"Having faith" is part of the recruiter's motto...as in:  Trust but "verify"...

This is not the first purple squirrel.  One was captured in the UK in 09.  Several have been found who look pink.  My thought is that if the little bugger shows up with a nose piercing he has been colored by the same stuff the punks use to turn their hair all those lovely colors.  Diet jello or diet kool aid.  The other theory is that they have found some seeds that were colored purple as some are with a non toxic dye and has been storing them for the winter as well as eating them.


I love purple squirrels.  There is always one of something out there.  :)

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