Question of the day: Can a candidate's sparking personality and interpersonal skills make up for lack of experience?

Follow up to today's RBC Daily: recently posted an interesting article entitled - Top 6 Hiring Mistakes to Avoid that examined six of the most common errors made by organizations when hiring for leadership positions. Most of these can be avoided by using a good recruiter (OK, I added that one) but in reality sticking to an efficient hiring process should help eliminate some of these traps. I was really intrigued by the first pitfall, 'His charisma was intoxicating'. As recruiters we deal with so many people on a daily basis and we’ve all probably come across an individual who exudes a unique magnetic trait, but have you ever been overwhelmed by it?

Question of the day: Can a candidate's sparking personality and interpersonal skills make up for lack of experience?

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Depends on the position, but often personality plays a big part.  If technology laden job then at some point they have to know how to do it, but in recruiting for example, attitude and personality can easily trump experience.  Of course, that would not count against any of us fine recruiters...just others

Big beats little, pretty beats ugly and a dink ,is a dink, is a dink

Yes...all things being equal...people hire who they like.  All things not being equal...people hire who they like.  Have more friends.

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