Question of the day: How many placements did you make this year directly through the efforts of social media?

We debate it back and forth on a regular basis. Some feel it is the greatest tool since email, others not so much. Yes- for some recruiters social media can make a huge impact at your desk. For others it is a time consuming black hole. There is no real right or wrong and not looking to fire up the debate. Let's just stick to facts......

How many placements did you make this year directly through the efforts of social media?

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Thanks for the feedback on this question everyone.

@Brian - just curious but was the YouTube hit based off your weekly vlogs? or do you do video job descriptions too?

Video Job description with SEO/key word initiators (ninja tricks).. Google (who owns Youtube) Loves video, if you search "data storage headhunter" it will provide a great example... I am writing a book presently that will launch in the new year.  I know exactly why people (recruiters) don't use SM or have success, because 99% of it is a waste of time (hence the comments in this post)... I am going to teach some best practices, and I will convert your community (list) in 2012 with results..... Best, Brian-

P.S. I pay $500 bucks a month (hubspot/infusionsoft) to earn nearly 90k alone this year in SM.  (Good ROI)

11 (eleven).

@irina are you including linked in?

@Sandra I do. I usually cross-reference, and LinkedIn is one piece of the puzzle; sometimes I land on LinkedIn having started elsewhere (Google, Jigsaw, etc.). I also run LinkedIn groups for candidates and post and share jobs on LinkedIn.

For this discussion - can we all exclude our Linkedin success?

I did as I don't consider LinkedIn as a social network. If twitter and Facebook become networks of full business profiles easily searchable by profession I would no longer consider them social.

2 from tweet referrals....3 from Facebook...

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