Question of the day: What is one new thing you plan to implement at your desk this year?

In follow up to today's RBC Daily:

What is one new thing you plan to implement at your desk this year?

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Actually planning on painting my desk with whiteboard paint, so implementing a reminder board ON my desk for 2012

Place a clock above the monitor so I know how much time is used needlessly and establish a workable goal of 3-4 solid tasks per day. Figure out how to use my Flip Cam so I can enter more freely the world of V-Blog--> My face is great for radio. Finally, Get relevant posts to Recruiting Blogs with a little more frequency so I can learn from and share my knowledge.

Cool idea...Unfortunately I work off of the glass dining room table and I think Maureen may have an issue with me painting her table. Possibly a Whiteboard under the monitor....

Kirby Cole said:

Actually planning on painting my desk with whiteboard paint, so implementing a reminder board ON my desk for 2012

Blue tooth headset so I can get my lazy ass moving once in a while.  

Dry erase markers work great on glass!!!!

Daniel J Smith said:

Cool idea...Unfortunately I work off of the glass dining room table and I think Maureen may have an issue with me painting her table. Possibly a Whiteboard under the monitor....

Kirby Cole said:

Actually planning on painting my desk with whiteboard paint, so implementing a reminder board ON my desk for 2012

I guess they do....Thanks for the suggestion...Daniel

Thanks for the feedback all. Some great suggestions of thing to implement.

@Denise - positive attitude goes a long way in this biz and keeping your focus on the things you can control always wins out. Cheers!

Better planning ahead of time, instead of on the fly...

Great idea... I should do that... would save millions of post its!
Kirby Cole said:

Actually planning on painting my desk with whiteboard paint, so implementing a reminder board ON my desk for 2012

I like the question and I like Jim Stroud's mention, in an earlier blog post, regarding the rally call for more Cowbell in 2012.

I will amplify that theme and noise as well to say:  I recruit therefore I am...And I am going into my 41st year...this year on the recruitment trek.  There will be successes and failures...and I'll beat my Cowbell to celebrate one and get stress relief from dealing with and getting past the other. 

I will continue to stoke the fever I leveraged so many years ago and also remain a student of the process.  There is always something new happening under the sun and therefore something to learn from others, trial and error (scar tissue), formal and informal education. 

A belated Happy New Year to all and if you hear a Cowbell sounding off in the might be me...feeling the need for Mo' Cowbell.

...this is my Cowbell.

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