Question of the Day: Would you use BranchOut's recruiter product RecruiterConnect?

From today's RBC Daily:

At this point, it’s Coke and Pepsi,” BranchOut CEO Rick Marini says of the company’s relationship with LinkedIn. This is a quote from yesterday's Mashable article about BranchOut hitting the 25 million user mark. Is this really a competition? Should LinkedIn be concerned? It all depends on how you look at it but there’s no denying the impressive growth BranchOut has experienced in recent months. With 13 million monthly unique visitors and a new round of funding bringing in $25 million, the little app that could is trying its best to make this a battle.


The growth has been attributed to integration with career sites like CareerBuilder and StepStone as well as increased mobile users. On the flip side, however, BranchOut faces a major hurdle as many users simply view it as being spam while the network boasts over 400 million profiles with few users who actually know they are part of such a network. There’s also the growing concern that Facebook could one day create its own career networking functionality that would make this tool obsolete. In any case LinkedIn might not have much to fear at this time but BranchOut by definition gets bigger and bigger each day.

Question of the Day: Would you use BranchOut's recruiter product RecruiterConnect?

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Yes, Facebook/Branchout Has #'s Recruiter Must Pay Attention To...

So I have noticed I get emails requesting to Join my BranchOut network.  When I go to actually see the requests, I have non pending; and now my BranchOut account has something like 325 connections.  Any one else seeing this?  I wonder if this practice is helping to accelerate the BranchOut growth!!!!!

No. Partly because there are better and more effective ways to spend my time. Yes, it is another social network that is gaining users, but hpw many of them use it that dont use LinkedIn and other tools that already exist?

Which leads to my other reason not to use it- I don't want to promote the use of facebook for job searching.  It really bugs me already when I see people advertising job openings in their FB feeds, just like it bugs me to see people positing LinkedIn status updates about eating a sandwhich or grabbing a drink with friends.

Those networks were designed with a purpose, and when people forget the purpose and break down those walls, everything just turns into noise/ spam.

My $.02

Yes, I would love to have another option other than Linkedin!

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