I want to like video resumes. I really do. So that said - I'd hire this guy as a nanny in a heartbeat. Clearly very good with kids. What the tie has to do with any of it I don't know but that's ok.
In all seriousness - I have no idea what to make of this. I'm not even sure what your profession is. The ONE THING I wish candidates understood about personal marketing is that you have to address the needs of the audience. If recruiters / hiring managers are your audience, help me understand how this addresses their needs.
LOL well played with the Microsoft reference. :) And I do really appreciate you putting this out there for us to pick apart. That's not easy.
I'll admit I had not thought of it that way, as far as the tie staying on even at home. All I was thinking was "the kid is super cute. now what's the point of this again....?"
You are absolutely correct that most resumes / applications are boring, cold, or at the very least yawn inducing. I think perhaps I'm just expecting too much from video resumes. Or whatever we're supposed to call them. :)
I have to agree with Amy, it just doesn't tell me enough about what this chap actually does beyond fairly generic skills.
Video CV's may well be touted as the future but ultimately I can scan a paper copy in a few seconds and know whether I want to continue reading where as I don't have that luxury with a video. As such videos would make my job more difficult and frankly I have a tiny candidate pool so I can't imagine how irritating this might be to someone in bulk recruitment of some kind.
Cute but if all it takes to get an offer or sale is scenes with your daughter - then I'm bringing my little girl and her My Little Pony collection with me to my next client meeting.
I so agree. It's creative, BUT, I just don't have time to sit through an entire video or peruse a website.
Chris Grove said:
I have to agree with Amy, it just doesn't tell me enough about what this chap actually does beyond fairly generic skills.
Video CV's may well be touted as the future but ultimately I can scan a paper copy in a few seconds and know whether I want to continue reading where as I don't have that luxury with a video. As such videos would make my job more difficult and frankly I have a tiny candidate pool so I can't imagine how irritating this might be to someone in bulk recruitment of some kind.
It's way too long and too vague. The little girl is adorable, but there's little concrete info here on what this guy actually does, where he's worked and how he can add value.
Cute but i probably wouldn't watch all of it and i wouldn't check out the linkedin profile. If i got a resume first, liked the background i saw i would probably click on the link the video but i would not forward it to a client. I would click on a link to a linkedin profile and sometimes forward the linkedin links to a client. The video is too cutsy unless you are looking for a marketing and sales position with a children's product in my opinion. If you are looking for a spot related to kids i would suggest putting a tag line on the video.."Miguel Markets to Kids". If not i don't think anyone would take it very seriously.
I think you need to add some meat to this blurb. As it is now, it doesn't say enough. What kind of marketing do you do? Where have you worked? What have you done there? You need to put some of the sizzle here to entice people to read further. Leading with "Miquel is looking for a new stimulating work experience..." Doesn't add any value.
Don't focus on what you want, focus on what you have to offer. I did try to click your LinkedIn link and it didn't work, so I'm not sure what you do, but as an example, why not lead with something like,
"Miguel offers over 10 years of B2B marketing experience, most recently he spent 5 years with XYZ Software Company leading their Demand Generation Marketing efforts. He introduced the company to marketing automation, using Marketo and those efforts led to a 200% increase in new leads generated and 100% increase in leads converted, resulting in record revenue for 3 quarters in a row."
I would just get specific like that, and give examples of how you added value at your previous companies.
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