Recruiters On LinkedIn


Recruiters On LinkedIn

Recruiters looking to network with colleagues and share their networks on LinkedIn.

Members: 1801
Latest Activity: Aug 6

Welcome to the Recruiters On LinkedIn Group

PLEASE NOTE: To participate (to have your information shared) you must join the group.

The goal of this group is to help facilitate connections between members and share best practices and tips on how to use LinkedIn as a networking and recruiting tool.

As this group continues to grow we needed to create a system that would appeal to the "Open Networkers" and those who were seeking specific, meaningful connections.

"New Members"

2-3 group messages are sent during the week and they focus introducing new members. So the question is, do you want to be introduced? Here are your options:

  • (A) “Open Networker” with name, email address, and LinkedIn URL as you want to connect with everyone.
  • (B) “General Introduction” with name and LinkedIn URL as you are specific about who you want to connect with.
  • (C) “Lurker” no announcement will be made as you want to be on the sidelines connecting with people as you wish.
  • (D) “Super Open Networker” you want the Open Networker introduction and be placed on the page below.

"Old Timers"

Those of you who have been around for a while have a couple of options too.

  • (A) “Open Networker” with name, email address, and LinkedIn URL as you want to connect with everyone. You can be reintroduced to the group.
  • (D) “Super Open Networker” you want the "Open Networker" reintroduction and be placed on the page below.

To be included in the group messages please send your Name, LinkedIn URL, and email address you would like to receive invitations (if "A" or "D") to the “Admin” of this group:

Paul DeBettignies | |


Recruiter Forum

Last Chance! Register by 11/30/11

Started by Carlos Gil Nov 23, 2011.

Video resumes

Started by Chuck Klein Oct 27, 2011.

Virtual Job Fair Recruiting 101

Started by Carlos Gil Aug 24, 2011.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Recruiters On LinkedIn to add comments!

Comment by Denise on February 17, 2009 at 10:14am
A & F recruiting branch manager interested in a change? Position in SE Pennsylvania. Forward resume & contact info to
Comment by Denise on February 17, 2009 at 10:10am
Seeking a perm supply chain recruiter for position in southeastern Pennsylvania. Contact to discuss.
Comment by Shankar Nag on February 5, 2009 at 8:34am

This is Shankar Nag from APEXTGI.Apex Technology Group has own the following Awards:

."Winner of 2007 NJBIZ New Jersey's Finest Award" honoring 50 Fastest Growing Companies in NJ"

Resumes are sent upon request…….

We have consultants in the following technologies:

10. JAVA /J2EE

APEX Technology Group Inc.,
2703,Merrywood Drive, Edison, New Jersey-08817

"Winner of 2007 NJBIA Awards for Excellence in the Job Creation Category" .
"Winner of 2007 and 2008 NJBIZ New Jersey's Finest Award" honoring 50 Fastest Growing Companies in NJ"
Comment by Chris on February 4, 2009 at 10:36am
Is anyone else having issues with Linkedin ? They just suspended my account AGAIN - and told me that I could not contact my contacts with job postings!!!! They want me to pay them to post the jobs, however when I try to do that they won't allow me to do that either!!! They also told me that I could not allow people I don't know to connect with me and they do not like "open networking"...

Please read the email chain below:

Dear Chris,

We have recently received complaints from our members that you have sent unsolicited mass mailings and/or promotional materials in messages that appear to be phishing, spam or abusive in nature. We realize not everyone understands how messages on LinkedIn should or should not be used. Our User Agreement prohibits using LinkedIn to connect with people you did not know and/or sending them unsolicited mass mailings.

We have these policies in order to protect the value of the LinkedIn network for everyone. We have suspended your account until we hear back from you that you will adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. For complete guidelines, please see the "User Conduct" section of LinkedIn's User Agreement.


LinkedIn Privacy Team

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your reply. Please note, open networking is not encouraged by LinkedIn. We encourage members to connect with those that they do know. If you'd like to connect with someone that you do not know, we ask that you utilize our Introduction and InMail features.

Sending open positions to members is considered spam. We do have jobs feature which is where you could post a job and send it to your connections.

We are unable to disclose who made the complaint or what the complaint entailed.

Once you have confirmed that you will not send spam, including job offers, we will determine if the restriction can be removed from your account.


LinkedIn Privacy Team


I have adhered to the policies of Linkedin and will continue to do so. Please reactivate my account. *

* *

* My profile clearly says on it that anyone who links to me will be sent open positions and asked to network with me - just as they are welcomed to network with me. Unfortunately there are some people who don't get the concept of networking and don't believe it's a 2 way street. Especially since I'm a recruiter. *

* *

*Please let me know when you have reactivated my account - I'd also like to see this particular claim so that I can show you exactly what happened. I'm sure you can also look into your files and see any emails that were sent directly to my contacts.*

Thank you*

* *

Chris Shoulet
Top Dog Recruiting
301-530-9694 ext 1. ( (
Career Coaching & Career Coaching Club (
Resume Writing Services (
Job Search (
Top Dog Hot Jobs Newsletter (
Join us on Facebook: (
Join me on LinkedIN: (

Dear Chris,

Thank you for your reply. Please note, open networking is not encouraged by LinkedIn. We encourage members to connect with those that they do know. If you'd like to connect with someone that you do not know, we ask that you utilize our Introduction and InMail features.

Sending open positions to members is considered spam. We do have jobs feature which is where you could post a job and send it to your connections.

We are unable to disclose who made the complaint or what the complaint entailed.

Once you have confirmed that you will not send spam, including job offers, we will determine if the restriction can be removed from your account.


LinkedIn Privacy Team


From: Chris Shoulet []
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 6:17 PM
To: 'LinkedIn Customer Service'
Subject: RE: Your LinkedIn Profile [Ticket: 090203-001810]

Can you please explain to me what the point in having a network is if I can’t network open jobs that we’re working on? Most of my contacts send me open positions they need help with through linkedin. They also send me information when they are looking for jobs as they do their other contacts…

Chris Shoulet
Top Dog Recruiting
301-530-9694 ext 1.


From: Chris Shoulet []
Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2009 6:41 PM
To: 'LinkedIn Customer Service'
Subject: RE: Your LinkedIn Profile [Ticket: 090203-001810]

In follow up to my last email. I have tried posting jobs in your paid area but got a message that I wasn’t allowed to. I also tried buying ad space and again got a message that “some members are not allowed to purchase ads”…

I have sent numerous emails asking why I can’t purchase jobs or ads and have not received a single reply. If you can answer this that would also be very helpful.

When I first joined linked in you were encouraging members to share jobs and let others know when they were looking. I believe that was the main reason your marketing team targeted recruiters and asked us to join in the beginning. I save all my old emails and can probably dig up the email stating this. You also had a feature where subscribers could send out jobs to their contacts. In fact that is still a feature on the website.. Please explain why you are now telling me that we are not allowed to do this..

Chris Shoulet
Top Dog Recruiting
301-530-9694 ext 1.

Has anyone else had similar problems? I still can not access my account ..

Comment by Waqas R. Kidwai on January 15, 2009 at 2:47pm
Hello People,

I am an open networker on LinkedIn. Please feel free to send me an invitation to

and here is the link to my profile -

Waqas Kidwai
Recruit Tek
Comment by Jenn Asson on January 15, 2009 at 8:46am
I'm in search of a website or training software that could possibly train people on how to become better recruiters. Things like how to screen through resumes to find the perfect candidates for job orders and how to interview a candidate the right way no matter what industry they are looking to apply to. Please feel free to send me a message or post something to my page so that I can read it. I'm trying to get this information for a friend that wants to go into business with me and she doesn't really have that much recruiting experience.

Thanks everyone for your assistance.
Comment by Jenn Asson on December 31, 2008 at 9:53pm
Happy New Year to everyone. I'm new to the group and I'm looking to network with people that could benefit from my home-based recruiting business. Feel free to send me an invite to Here is my linked in URL:
Comment by Scott Schoneman on December 29, 2008 at 5:21pm

Just joined the group. Wishing everyone a successful 2009!

Scott Schoneman
469 477 1077
Comment by Sudip on December 15, 2008 at 11:04am
Hi All,

This Sudip from Atls Software Inc, Please accepts this invitation, in this group you can post your hotlist and open job requirements.

Comment by Faisal Javed on December 5, 2008 at 2:12pm
Hi Guys,
We are looking for an expert who could provide specialized UNIX Systems architecture support for a team of technologists who are very closely aligned to the business. The environment is fast-paced and international, and the role will primarily report to a global manager.

He should be able to collaborate closely with counterparts to develop new hardware/software solutions while maintaining documented, consistent global standards.

He would be involved in some project management including hardware and software rollouts.

Must to have:

* Individual must be a highly motivated self-starter willing to work with limited local supervision, and able to maintain close and regular contact with global counterparts. Confident communication skills are essential.
* In-depth, advanced Solaris and Linux internals knowledge essential. Examples include MMU function, mechanics of a syscall, and an understanding of latency issues.
* In-depth networking knowledge is required including familiarity with RFC’s.
* Expert in scripting knowledge including good exposure to C, Perl, python, and shell programming.
* Full fluency in written and spoken English.

Contact me with your consultants ONLY:

Members (1801)



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