MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat Log Tuesday, May 13, 2008

MagicMethod Classroom Chat Tuesday, May 13, 2008 Noon – 1p.m. (EST)Today’s class participation was excellent and the excitement once again centered on what that Gatekeeper pitches at us.
Best Student Remark of the Day
"Giving too much information makes you sound very suspicious - and if the gatekeeper is asking any of those questions you came at them the wrong way." ~ Ryan Haire
Maureen- Last week during a chat, one of the participants mentioned when the gatekeeper asked what this was in reference to he/she mentioned..."I'm compiling a directory...suppose the gatekeeper presses for more information...what would a good comeback be.

Maureen Sharib
Victor Have you read the preceding chat logs? Usually when the Gatekeeper asks you anything out of the ordinary (what is your name - what is this about - where are you calling from) - it's because you have approached her incorrectly.

Today's entire MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Chat Log here.

Come to Thursday's Noon MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat - also at noon EST!

Views: 16


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