"This is amazing!!!! It works it works it really works! I can sit on the phone and get the names from A-C and then get all the names from DEF LOL - I can go direct extension to the president and all depts! LOL!" ~ SD

Best Student Remark of the Day
"Rusing is what people do who are not confident in what it is they are selling or looking to obtain so they lie to get info instead of just asking for it." ~ John T. Sloan
Jamie Schwartz
Maureen - can we talk about rusing...

Maureen Sharib
We can talk about anything you guys wanna talk about.

Kim Monmonier
sorry but what is rusing?

Maureen Sharib
Rusing is when you call and lie to get information.

Maureen Sharib
Ruse: Web definition - a deceptive maneuver (especially to avoid capture). Also spelled rouse and rouge as in, “I’m so ashamed by my lying that my cheeks turned rouge.” Word raises hackles for a lot of people. Some say it’s illegal to misrepresent yourself to gain any kind of information (this theory hangs on the unfair trade practices rulings), some say it’s not illegal but acceptable practice in love and war and recruiting tactics. A good researcher understands how to elicit information by ASKing the right questions in the right manner. Subject usually raises a firestorm of controversy resulting in name calling and mud slinging. The object of discussing rusing here is to point out that a good researcher does not have to ruse, it’s a choice each one makes on the front line of battle. CONTROVERSIAL: Rusing may be a right-of-passage, in so much that sourcers who began their careers “rusing”, that is, lying to get information, were made so uncomfortable in their psyches by it that they’re challenged to increase their skill sets to the point where it’s no longer necessary to ruse.

That definition is from the Sourcing Glossary - if you want it send me an email: maureen at techtrak.com

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