MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat Log Thursday, July 5, 2008

MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat Thursday, July 5, 2008
Best Student Remark of the Day
"...I'm a professional Maureen. I don't let it show in the music." ~ Recruiting Animal

Maureen Sharib
Hi Animal, what do you want to be called today?

Recruiting Animal

Maureen Sharib
I posted a lesson about Body Language down below in "Blog Posts" - anyone read it? It's about how our body language COMES THROUGH the telephone - anyone believe this?

Recruiting Animal
I don't agree. How am I sitting now Maureen? Can you tell? Or am I standing?

Fino Alaniz
i had a gal tell me once that she had all of her direct reports in some sort of customer support role --- keep a mirror by their phone. she wanted them to smile when talking to customers.

Maureen Sharib
You KNOW what I mean Animal - how we "sound" comes through and how we sound can be directly impacted by how we're sitting, standing, feeling etc. I think smiles come through - anyone else?

To read the whole chat go here.
Attend the MagicMethod FREE one hour LIVE phone sourcing classroom chats on Tuesdays and Thursdays on the MagicMethod network here.
Attend the MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Seminar in Cincinnati on June 24 sponsored by the Greater Cincinnati Human Resources Association. Email for registration form or call Suzy Hoffman at 513 554 4747.

Views: 9


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