MagicMethod Phone Sourcing Classroom Chat Log Thursday, June 12, 2008

Maureen Sharib Hi Cora - your issue is on the board today - did everyone read Cora's dilemma listed in the “Blog Posts” section of this site?- the post about Configuration Managers. Cora wants to know how to find Configuration Managers w/ certain experience - Cora - can you tell us what's happened so far?

Cora Player
the skillset must have is harvest and openmake- two different technologies that work together to automate builds. very niche- found someone about a month ago and he backed out. client wants 100% travel- haven't found anyone in surrounding states - fuel is becoming excuse for those I've most recently spoken to. anyway, i have names of companies that use openmake and figure that's a good start for names sourcing- i need guidance on next step for calling into those targets

Maureen Sharib
If they use OpenMake will they also be using Harvest?

Cora Player
great question, not necessarily, the other choice i have is harvest plus perl scripting and a little openmake. i need to find companies that use harvest too

Maureen Sharib
"...skillset must have is harvest and openmake- two different technologies that work together to automate builds" Don't you need BOTH?

Cora Player
yes, so i would really be playing a numbers game - not sure how to id companies that use BOTH technologies

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