July 4 is Friday and we sourcers all know what that means – a great phone sourcing opportunity approaches. Customers “in the know” understand that getting their “holiday orders” in before the firecracker holiday will assure some red-hot names when they return to work on July 7.

Some of the behavior that fuels all this busyness in our industry is the simple fact that while the cats are away the mice do play! Sourcers understand that while others are away “merry-making”, opportunity abounds in the emptied halls of corporate America; they know that many people will take advantage of holidays like this one by turning the week before and the week after into full one or two week vacations.

Sourcers can expect VoiceMails to be stuffed with information fuller than a fireworks barge. “Hi, this is Joe Smith – I’ll be back in the office on July 14; in my absence if this is a quality issue call Pete Jones at xxx xxx xxxx and if this is a test issue call the Test Manager at Susan Wheeler at xxx xxx xxxx and if this is a delivery issue call my manager Mike Kincaid at xxx xxx xxxx and if all this fails call my Admin - she usually ALWAYS answers - at xxx xxx xxxx.”

VoiceMails can be the most revealing, rewarding things! Make sure you take the time to listen to them. And that’s the rub – it takes TIME – do you have the time to do this in your full-cycle busy recruiting life?

Regular receptionists may also be away during this time as well, replaced by lesser experienced gatekeepers so experienced sourcers adjust their approaches during promising times like these. A “temp” is very likely to confess to you that she is just that to explain her lack of knowledge/skill and many of them are more easily “influenced” – shall we say.

Lonely Security Guards can be not-too-pleased that they’re the only ones required to keep watch at this time of year over extremely valuable information (after all, what’s MORE valuable to a company than their employees? Really?) and some of their angst can be consoled in the simplest ways. You’d be surprised how many of them have access to corporate directories and if they don’t, how much is stored in their heads from long years of service? The human brain is a computer too, you know.

These are just a few of the many reasons holidays are so productive for sourcing – batten down your hatches, sourcers – we’re coming into one of the busiest seasons in our business! Customers, get your orders primed and delivered to your sourcers – many of them welcome this time-consuming work at this time of year (remember the Introvert theory?) It gives some of them a welcome excuse NOT to attend those holiday parties!
If you want a fresh list of names to call on Monday when you return to work, give us a call! TechTrak will deliver a list of names to you, fresh and ready for you to call, as soon as you sit down at your desk! How hot is that?
Do something today you don't think you can do.

Maureen Sharib
Telephone Name Sourcer/MagicMethod Trainer
513 899 9628
TechTrak.com, Inc.
maureen at namesourcer.com
My NameSourcer blog.

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