Animal has
Charles Krugel, a Labour & Employment lawyer in Chicago, on his
radio show today. Clip from Chuck's
last Animal show appearance:
Maureen Sharib:
"No laws against ruse calls." Am I hearing this right?
Julia Stone:
bart simpson will be relieved
there noon EST today, Weds, Aug5.
Charles has a vibrant LinkedIn group that gets things done - it's called "Charles Krugel's Labor & Employment Law & Human Resources Practices Group" and includes, at present, 310 members that include attorneys, HR professionals & other practitioners from all over the world, including South America, Europe, India & Asia. The membership list gives you a better idea of who's from where. Additionally, members have been engaged in some pretty detailed discussions concerning various issues including unemployment compensation, harassment & discrimination, etc.
If you want to call To Talk (and ask questions!) call 646-652-2754. You can hear the show but can't be heard until the host opens your microphone. A landline and handset work best.