Looking through some of the profiles of the last sixty or so members who joined our MagicMethod telephone names sourcing network in the last few weeks I realized there is a wealth of sourcing process information contained in them. Visit with them today and Oh! Don’t forget to fill out YOUR profile as fully as you can.

If you know anyone who you think would profit by knowing our network, let them know about us.

Some of the profile questions with some of the answers are listed below. You might be surprised by what you’ll learn!

“Quick and Dirty - if you had six hours to source 50 Process Engineers in the chem/energy/food/pharma industry what would you do?”
google search topped off with linkedin
Hot Jobs, Linked-In and Industrial "convention" type list search
that is my secret.....
call Magic Method
Easy, narrow down requirement to a ring fenced basis where I could deliver 20 myself on a guaranteed basis - Use a combination of websites and email my personal database for referrals
cry then call my friends
Locate the largest association affiliated with process engineers, find 3-5 good ones, invite them to connect to me on Cachinko.com and offer them introduction rewards for sending me qualified candidates and placement rewards if they get hired.

“If you had a week to source 50 Process Engineers?”
repeat with yahoo, Bing, and make calls
Look on LinkedIn and call
research, build list execute phone, emails follow up
It would not take ma anything like a week
Get names of gatekeepers and call persistently
same thing (locate engr associations) just more associations

“What do you think sourcing brings to the recruiting process?”
At the minimum, a place to get started talking to folks. At the best, a short cut to identifying the top candidates in the field.
Candidates to recruit for present positions and future.
Sourcing is the most fun, I like finding the people other recruiters can't.
It is absolutely essential, you have to start somewhere and especially if the sourcer is the initial touch point in the prospect experience.

“What sourcing tools do you use?”
Referrals, google, phone, LinkedIn, lists, pipl, theLadders, DICE, jigsaw, manta
Linkedin and many more
job boards, google, linked in, facebook, twitter, blogs, referrals
Phone, internet, magic in the method training
internet, phone, off line networking

And then…I took great delight in this answer to one of the questions:
“Do you think one type of sourcing produces better results than another? Which and why?”
No, but I enjoy reading the arguments.

Sometimes an answer is all you really need to know.

Views: 30


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