David DeAngelo, that guru of dating who puts out the fabulous stuff on how to captivate women (that is read more and more by women for tips on how to combat gamesmanship) recently put out a piece (The Dark Side of Dating) where he bemoaned the fact that his advice was interpreted as manipulative, on the face of it. What he was really bemoaning was the fact that so many people fail to see beyond that to the true message – that, in his words:

It's funny, because now that I teach men how to meet women, I get questions all the time that start with things like "I don't want to use the things you teach because I don't want to be MANIPULATIVE with women".

Ironic, really. Mostly because I think of the things I teach as being NON-manipulative.

And one of the things that I've realized is that being honest with yourself, and honest with women makes you feel like a better person inside.

And I think that the way you feel about yourself determines so many things... from your inner level of satisfaction with life...to the level of trust others have for you when
they meet you.

As far as I'm concerned, the more CANDID and HONEST you can be with yourself and others, the more self-esteem and character you build for the long-run.

I don't want to start sounding like an ethics professor or a philosopher, but let's just say That MORE HONEST is MORE BETTER.

I read it with great interest because much of the same thing can be said about phone sourcing. Read his whole message here and tell me what you think.

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