FREE Teleseminar hosted by a multimillion dollar producer, owner & coach, “Are You Ready For What's Next?”

Recent articles and reports suggest that we have hit rock bottom as an economy and the time for growth is just around the bend. Company’s key to a successful rebound is quality human capital. This is where your services as a talent acquisition specialist are going to come into play.

Mike Gionta, owner of, has been through three recessions and survived them all. No one has more experience on how to not only come out of the recession, but come out full steam ahead. He will share with you how to prepare for the boom that lies ahead and jhow you can maximize your results.

Are You Ready For What's Next?
Wednesday, June 24
3:00pm eastern/12:00pm pacific
Register today for FREE!
(cut and paste in browser if link not working)

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Sponsored by: SearchPath International

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