At 11:37pm on September 20, 2008, Maya Walker said…
Hi Janora!
I just accepted your linkedin invitation. Thank you. I'm delighted and honored to connect.
I noticed that you're not a member of linkedinpowerwomen, the first and only women's group on linkedin. Please bless our group with your membership. If you're looking to build your network LIPW can give you access to hundreds of amazingly successful, powerful and dynamite women. Copy and paste the link below to join:
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I just accepted your linkedin invitation. Thank you. I'm delighted and honored to connect.
I noticed that you're not a member of linkedinpowerwomen, the first and only women's group on linkedin. Please bless our group with your membership. If you're looking to build your network LIPW can give you access to hundreds of amazingly successful, powerful and dynamite women. Copy and paste the link below to join:
And don't forget to join the discussion group as well so you can communicate with the group:
To your success,
Maya Walker
Founder & Co-moderator
To your continued success,
Maya Walker
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