Louis Bina's Blog – May 2009 Archive (8)

Should Employers Know What You Post On Your Personal Sites?

According to a study by Deloitte LLP, a majority of employers feel that they have a right to know what’s being posted on personal social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. A rant or negative opinion about a company can end up damaging reputations and divulging secrets valuable to competitors. But most of us can’t help but check up on our personal sites. The most common reasoning for staying active in personal social media goes something… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on May 20, 2009 at 3:45pm — No Comments

Potential HR Game-Changers in 2009

Over at Human Race Horses (great name, by the way), the author lists seven people whom he predicts will change HR in 2009. Among these key players are Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis (who supports the Green Jobs Act), and Deputy Assistant Secretary of OSHA Jordan… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on May 14, 2009 at 5:51pm — No Comments

Should You Take Risks at Work? Yes, Yes You Should.

With all the innovation success stories and Tipping Point-esque advice swirling around corporate culture, members of any workplace have found themselves in a very specific predicament for at least the last 15 or 20 years. Namely, being caught between a rock (the much touted “Dare to take risks” attitude) and a hard place (the unspoken but definitely implied “Don’t screw up”). We all want to showcase our talent and get rewarded for it. However, it seems that the stakes and the level of ingenuity… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on May 13, 2009 at 3:50pm — No Comments

Sleep Deprivation and Its Effects on Team Productivity

Here’s something we can all relate to on a Monday: Bob Sutton recently wrote a post on an article from the Academy of Management Review titled “Sleep Deprivation and Decision-Making Teams: Burning the Midnight Oil or Playing with Fire?”

Staying up late for work may sometimes be a necessary evil. What this article’s research found was that, while individual sleep deprivation has been… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on May 11, 2009 at 2:33pm — No Comments

The Strategy of Choosing an ATS

Surprisingly, the first step to choosing an Applicant Tracking System is not actually looking at the different options out there. As brought up by the folks at Aon Consulting, the first step to implementing an ATS is looking internally to determine exactly what you need. This may take some time and effort (two things people are not usually eager to give up) but in the long run it will actually make the… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on May 8, 2009 at 5:29pm — No Comments

Eight Ways to Run A Meeting Effectively

In my opinion, “time-wasting” should be branded as the 8th Deadly Sin. We’ve all been in a meeting that was less than organized, that devolved into a tangent-fest, or that didn’t start on time (or worse, end on time). But how do you ensure that YOUR meetings will avoid this transgression and accomplish goals efficiently and effectively?

Recruiter Daily (along with the help of a business… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on May 7, 2009 at 3:16pm — No Comments

Hiring is, ironically, harder during a recession

Even though companies are laying off employees left and right, it’s still difficult for HR managers and recruiters to fill the few empty positions they do have. Why is that? As Rapleaf CEO Auren Hoffman explains in his blog Summation, it’s all about quantity versus quality. The top performers (what Hoffman calls A-Players) in a department are rarely fired; that misfortune usually falls on the… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on May 7, 2009 at 1:19pm — No Comments

Is Twitter a "Triumph of Humanity"?

In this article from the Business Profiles section of apple.com, Twitter is touted as a progressive, conscientious company and employer. But, as you can imagine, Apple does quite a bit of tooting its own horn. It rings a little hollow to call Twitter a “triumph of humanity” when the latter half of the article is a Mac love-fest. In the entire article, the name “Twitter” is mentioned 32 times (yes, I counted). On the other hand, “Mac”… Continue

Added by Louis Bina on May 1, 2009 at 12:30pm — 1 Comment


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