Brian Pho's Blog – August 2010 Archive (7)

Candidates with polished resumes or Candidates without resumes BUT has experience....

Recruiter 1: "I cant present this - this resume is garbage. This is a very good client of mine and I cant afford to screw up!".

Recruiter 2: "Even though his resume is garbage, he does know your competitors and he does belong to xyz association and he does deal directly with your client's competitors and he is eager to talk to your client. What more do you want?"

You don't know how many times I ran into this situation when trying to perform recruiter splits. Why do recruiters… Continue

Added by Brian Pho on August 23, 2010 at 5:30pm — 9 Comments

Hands On Recruiting and what does 'Rolling up your sleeves' mean - Get out there and meet people.....

Recently, I have been looking at where I gain the most value during my time recruiting. Is it behind a phone and computer making calls to 'potential candidates' and headhunting them out of their organizations or is there some different way of doing the same thing. As recruiters, we all have limited amount of time, too many job orders to fill and not enough qualified candidates. We always battle with our clients on arranging interview times as they seem to always conflict with vacation times and… Continue

Added by Brian Pho on August 20, 2010 at 9:03am — 4 Comments

How do we assess Value in a boutique recruiting organization?

Building a recruiting organization is tough work. A recruiting firm is quite different than any other company in any type of industries. Why? The basic nature of our work is different from the rest of the world. We (as recruiters) don't have measurable assets that we can sell when it comes time to find a potential buyer. What can a potential buyer see (as measurable assets) in a recruiting organization?

As recruiters, we can normally say that our 'client lists' are our prized… Continue

Added by Brian Pho on August 17, 2010 at 9:13am — 7 Comments

The Evolution of Recruiter Compensation - A look at different compensation models

Recently, I was looking at the structure of different recruiting companies and how they compensate their recruiters. Recruiter compensation is a very interesting topic since there is no standardization in the industry. Our profession is not like a doctor (however, sometimes we can get paid like one), nurse, dentist where salaries and compensation are set by some governing board. Instead, recruiter compensation is all across the map. Some firms promise you a 'book of business' - (basically job… Continue

Added by Brian Pho on August 10, 2010 at 8:08am — 17 Comments

How to become an excellent Recruiter....Generalist or Segment specialist...

Many people think that one can recruit in any industry. Become a generalist and recruit in accounting, finance, engineering and manufacturing - it doesn't matter which industry. They think that if their recruiting skills are good enough, industry should not matter. Just get the competitors names and start sourcing people from phone directories, switchboards and operators and we're golden! Is this really true? I guess there are some aspects to truth in this approach to headhunting but the… Continue

Added by Brian Pho on August 6, 2010 at 8:58am — No Comments

On Toronto Star: Is the phone call dead? Only if you're lucky -

Is the phone call dead? A very interesting article posted todayin the Toronto Star.

Added by Brian Pho on August 4, 2010 at 8:30am — No Comments

Hand Written Thank you notes? Unique and different or cheap and unprofessional

Recently, I read a blogpost on a jobseeker site asking on advice on interviews. This candidate mentioned that s/he wrote a handwritten thank you note to each one of the hiring managers after the 1st interview process. S/he thought it was a nice touch and made his/her candidacy different than the other candidates that interviewed for the same position. Did it really or did s/he just ruin his/her chances at the job? S/he knew that most job candidates will write a generic quick e-mail to the…


Added by Brian Pho on August 3, 2010 at 9:05am — 5 Comments


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