Alicia Walker's Blog (219)

How Disability Can Help Close the STEM Gap

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) industries have faced criticism recently over workplace equity and discrimination, including gender, race, and disability inequality. STEM employers have historically been behind the curve in terms of welcoming…


Added by Alicia Walker on July 9, 2021 at 4:33am — No Comments

These Successful UK Industries Are Failing Racial Inclusivity

Time and time again, businesses have shown that those who have a diverse workforce perform the best. So why are so many companies in the UK far from achieving an inclusive and diverse workforce? Research has found that 1.5% of…


Added by Alicia Walker on July 7, 2021 at 4:05am — No Comments

How Shopping Local Can Create Jobs And Benefit Communities

During the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, attitudes of shoppers in the UK changed significantly as they developed a considerable sense of community. Rather than visiting the big supermarket on the edge of town, residents would visit their local corner shops and grocers, reigniting old habits. In April 2020, off-licences, greengrocers, independent…


Added by Alicia Walker on July 2, 2021 at 8:46am — No Comments

3 Empowering Business Women Striving for Sustainability and Inclusion in Beauty

When it comes to being an empowered woman, there is no “one size fits all” approach. We may feel strong and empowered through building a successful career, being a mother, or looking good. We may feel confident and assured when we’re alone, when we’re with friends, or when we’re with a partner. Women can thrive in any sector – a major one being…


Added by Alicia Walker on July 2, 2021 at 4:12am — No Comments

Can Technology Reduce Worker Stress in Haulage?

Haulage is one of the most essential sectors in the UK. This became especially clear in 2020 when multiple national lockdowns forced bricks-and-mortar shops to close, increasing retail’s reliance on haulage and logistics.…


Added by Alicia Walker on July 1, 2021 at 7:56am — No Comments

How Retail SMEs Can Transform Their Finance Department After a Pandemic

Financial adversity is at the forefront of many retail SME leaders’ agenda. With 22 per cent of retail SMEs believing that it will take them up to two years to recover from the financial constraints of the…


Added by Alicia Walker on June 23, 2021 at 6:10am — No Comments

The Link Between Health and Safety and Operational Efficiency

In workplaces throughout many different industries, there has long been a myth that productivity must be sacrificed for the sake of health and safety. The idea that health and safety is something that gets in the way of swift operational management is dangerous and, in reality, unfounded. In fact, high levels of health and safety are vital to…


Added by Alicia Walker on June 14, 2021 at 4:55am — No Comments

Trading Up: Engineering and Electricians Most Searched for Apprenticeships in the UK

The last 12 months have been tough on all of us, with life taking an unexpected turn that no one saw coming. But with the roadmap unfolding, furloughed staff returning to work, and ‘normal’ life resuming, many others have begun searching for new career paths.

Apprenticeships were directly impacted by COVID-19 and lockdown measures, with 23,000 fewer…


Added by Alicia Walker on June 10, 2021 at 10:16am — No Comments

Why Print Marketing Still Has A Role To Play In Your Business

Digital marketing continues to grow in this new age of online transactions and endless social media streams. Whether it’s seeing a targeted advert among your Google searches or an engaging competition for you to take part in on Instagram, we’ve all become familiar with these new methods of persuasion.

However, if you’re looking for ways to market your…


Added by Alicia Walker on June 9, 2021 at 10:59am — No Comments

Making Remote Working More Environmentally Friendly

The pandemic has forced many people into ‘remote working’ and it could be something that’s here to stay.  This shift has had a positive impact on the environment with significantly reduced transport emissions, but how do we continue to improve our footing on eco-friendly work and life? 

Here, we explore how you can tailor your work life to improve your…


Added by Alicia Walker on June 9, 2021 at 8:57am — No Comments

How the Logistics Sector Can Swerve the Oncoming Crisis

Many sectors have a constant churn of staff and require an influx of talent, but this is especially true in the logistics sector. The industry, which accounts for 8% of all UK employment, is facing a “severe” skills shortage according to the CILT.

The survey shows that…


Added by Alicia Walker on June 9, 2021 at 3:37am — No Comments

How Tech Has Helped Bring Employees Together Despite Being Further Apart

The past year has seen us become more isolated than ever before. With multiple national lockdowns and stay-at-home orders issued, we’ve ended up spending most of our time within the same four walls. Whether we’ve worked or socialised from home, we’ve been far away from the people we know and love.

Though it’s often criticised for…


Added by Alicia Walker on June 3, 2021 at 8:30am — No Comments

Why Staff Retention is the Key to Success in Haulage and Logistics

Why Staff Retention is the Key to Success in Haulage and Logistics

The coronavirus pandemic has had an unparalleled impact on businesses across all sectors, but it has had a particularly huge and varied impact on the haulage and logistics sector.

Some businesses, like those who worked in B2C retail and refrigerated food, were able to…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 26, 2021 at 5:49am — No Comments

Green Means Gold: Sustainability the Key in Attracting Talent

It should come as no surprise that a strong environmental ethos within an organisation is a driving factor for many jobseekers when choosing where to apply for work.

However, a recent report has detailed just how important sustainability aligned with social responsibility really is in terms of recruitment.

When we think about sustainable…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 21, 2021 at 6:00am — No Comments

The Rise of the Micro-Gap Year

There is much uncertainty in the world of work and education. Many students who are presented with the opportunity of a gap year are feeling dejected by their limited options to create new experiences, take a break, and remotivate their ambitions.

While 2020 felt like the longest year, travel restrictions and domestic guidelines have further limited…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 19, 2021 at 11:04am — No Comments

Empower and Engage: The Key to Developing Your Team in Innovative Companies

When employers are looking to build up a team for an innovative project, they can often fall into the trap of looking for someone new rather than realising the potential of their current workforce. It is often the case that the person who shouts the loudest is assumed to have the most creative ideas. But what if you've got some hidden gems amongst your…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 19, 2021 at 5:58am — No Comments

How to Get Your Business in Touch with the Low Touch Economy

There is still a certain sense that things may never been fully the same as before the world went into lockdown. With social behaviours and etiquette sharply changing, how can businesses built upon years and years of the ‘old’ normal embrace the new world that is beginning to emerge?

Experts have coined the phrase ‘Low Touch Economy’ to describe how they believe businesses will need to operate. Here, we will guide you through what the Low Touch Economy is and how your business can get…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 18, 2021 at 6:00am — No Comments

Work Hard, Love Harder: Rebalancing Your Work-Relationship Balance

If there’s anything being a responsible adult has taught us, it’s the importance of balance. Time management is a skill we learn to develop as we grow older, and it doesn’t just apply to our working lives. After all, along with a demanding career, we also have to juggle our social lives, get enough sleep, cook, maintain relationships, and have quality alone…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 18, 2021 at 5:45am — No Comments

Is Investing in Office Space in 2021 the Key to Business Survival in the Digital World?

The past year has been an experiment in different working environments. Workers are again being asked to work from home during the third national lockdown in England while similar restrictions are advised in Scotland. However, the dramatic shift to working from home flexibility has outlined the importance of a good working environment.

If working from…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 12, 2021 at 6:52am — No Comments


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