Alicia Walker's Blog (227)

How can Biophilic Design Bring Employees Back into the Office?

Office working is back, yet people are still working remotely. In some instances, this can be more practical. But with 1 in 5 Brits wanting to work remotely full-time, have workers become too comfortable in their own homes?

Biophilic design has many benefits besides the aesthetics. But how does bringing the outdoors inside improve…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 13, 2022 at 7:31am — No Comments

How Empowering Young Women Can Solve the STEM Shortage

The UK is experiencing a shortage of workers within the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) sectors. So much so, according to the UK Commission for Employment & Skills, companies are struggling to employ professionals for 43 per cent of these vacancies.  

In 2021, women accounted for only…


Added by Alicia Walker on May 10, 2022 at 6:31am — No Comments

The Work-Life Balance: How to Relax and Rewind After Work

There is one important message we should all remember: we work to live, rather than live to work. In the hustle and bustle of contemporary living, it can be easy to forget this and let your job consume your personal life. This can lead to a number of mental health concerns, such as anxiety and depression.

It doesn’t matter which sector you work in, a tough day can get the better of you. Male workers in the construction industry are…


Added by Alicia Walker on April 12, 2022 at 11:38am — No Comments

Woman Power in the Workplace: How to Support Your Fellow Female Employees

There is no denying that, in the world of work, women are often brushed aside in favour of their male colleagues. In fact, it is fair to say that female workers can find it difficult to climb the ladder and fill top-level positions due to no fault of their own. Ultimately, companies are missing out on strong assets and on valuable qualities that would truly let the business grow.

As a woman in a senior role, you can play your part in reversing this negative trend and assisting your…


Added by Alicia Walker on March 17, 2022 at 5:54am — No Comments

Sustainable Jobs: The Environment Takes Priority.

2020 was a disaster for businesses across the UK, however we are seeing signs of recovery. With this in mind, public and private sector organisations are looking towards the challenges of the future with pragmatism.


The reliance on our outdoor public spaces during lockdown has emphasised the need for a strong environment. Organisations are looking to improve society and nature with ethical and sustainable practices. In fact, the UN predicts that…


Added by Alicia Walker on March 9, 2022 at 7:46am — No Comments

Education and recruitment in the construction industry

Employers appear to be concerned by the lack of skilled candidates for jobs within the construction industry. As UK house building hits its highest level since the recession in 2008, the industry appears to be strong. Without qualified and skilled workers though, the industry could grind to a dramatic halt. With Brexit holding a dark cloud above the construction industry and a level of uncertainty, what can construction employers do to secure their workforce?

The construction industry…


Added by Alicia Walker on March 8, 2022 at 8:50am — No Comments

Happy and Productive Workplaces: How Technology Limits Staff Burnout

Whether you are a digital enthusiast or not, there is no denying that we are surrounded by amazing technology nowadays. We can see self-driving cars steer about in traffic lanes, avant-garde robots, and even remote rovers landing on Mars without complications. With its endless potential, technology can have enormous benefits for our daily routines. This is especially true for our office hours in the workplace.

Indeed, technology and AI in the office can bring an array of advantages.…


Added by Alicia Walker on February 24, 2022 at 10:06am — No Comments

The UK’s engineering talent shortage

The UK’s engineering and manufacturing sector has a proud history that spans industrialisation and ship-building – but has encountered bouts of difficulty in modern times thanks to overseas competition, the closure of coal mines and outsourcing. According to the Office of National Statistics, the proportion of jobs accounted for by the manufacturing and mining and quarrying sectors in the UK fell from 26.4% to just 7.8%. The Royal Academy of Engineering estimates that the UK needs to find…


Added by Alicia Walker on February 21, 2022 at 9:24am — No Comments

Happy and Productive Workplaces: How Technology Limits Staff Burnout

Whether you are a digital enthusiast or not, there is no denying that we are surrounded by amazing technology nowadays. We can see self-driving cars steer about in traffic lanes, avant-garde robots, and even remote rovers landing on Mars without complications. With its endless potential, technology can have enormous benefits for our daily routines. This is especially true for our office hours in the workplace.

Indeed, technology and AI in the office can bring an array of advantages.…


Added by Alicia Walker on February 15, 2022 at 8:06am — No Comments

Clear Goals and Engaging Hosts: How to Create Powerful Virtual Learning Experiences

For centuries, conferences and teaching sessions have been carried out face to face. As technology progresses, new learning experiences have come into play. Attendees now sit inside a virtual room, where hosts give informative talks through a digital screen. In short, we are shifting more and more towards online learning classes.

Some may long for the days in which they could enjoy in-person educational activities, making eye contact with the speakers and sharing comments with their…


Added by Alicia Walker on February 15, 2022 at 5:00am — No Comments

The Engineering Sector Has Trouble Retaining Staff — Here’s Why Your Workers Need Regular Training and Motivation

Staff retention is one of the biggest concerns for businesses across the UK. Following the pandemic, demand for workers continues to hit new records. According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 1,172,000 vacant jobs in the UK between August and October 2021.


In the engineering sector, this increased demand has…


Added by Alicia Walker on February 7, 2022 at 9:35am — No Comments

The True Impact of Digital Technology on Your Workforce Efficiency

We know technology has had an impact on every area of our lives. We can manage almost our entire lives through our smartphones, from arranging appointments to paying bills. Technological innovations have also found a way into the workplace, completely revolutionising the way we work.

As technology is embedded into workplaces, it can unsettle workers. With technologies including artificial intelligence and automation able to replicate elements of our jobs, it’s easy to see why.…


Added by Alicia Walker on January 24, 2022 at 8:37am — No Comments

Why Successful Leadership Starts with Listening

Leadership should be a two-way street, but managers in US organizations are falling behind. According to a 2019 study, 83 percent of workers would like their managers to ask for their opinions more often.

You’re in a management role for a reason. But that doesn’t mean that your teams can’t contribute effective ideas. Equally, a key part of your role is to listen to and address their concerns.

Here, we…


Added by Alicia Walker on January 18, 2022 at 11:30am — No Comments

Why You Should Apply a Scandinavian Approach to Your Business

We can learn a lot from other cultures, from sustainable living to business etiquette. Successful business leaders never stop learning, growing, and trying new things. This includes looking outwards and taking inspiration from different successful models. The Scandinavian model is undoubtedly one of the most inspiring. Danish workers are among the happiest in the world, and…


Added by Alicia Walker on January 18, 2022 at 11:30am — No Comments

Why Female Empowerment is the Solution to a Shortage of STEM Workers

We’re rapidly approaching 2022, and yet female workers are still dramatically underrepresented in STEM careers.

While the percentage of women in STEM jobs is increasing, it’s still lower than we’d like. In engineering, women make up only 10% of the workforce and only 16% of IT professionals.

While increasing the number of women in STEM is important for equality, it will…


Added by Alicia Walker on January 18, 2022 at 11:00am — No Comments

National Career Development Month: Why Apprenticeships Could Be Your Career Starter

If you’re getting ready to leave school and head into the world of work, the chances are that your teacher has discussed two major life routes with you: jumping straight into the world of work or continuing with further education in order to get into university. But if you know what career you want, and university isn’t calling to you, there is another path that is backed with incredible results for your career.

This article will show you the inner workings of an apprenticeship, what…


Added by Alicia Walker on January 12, 2022 at 8:43am — No Comments

The 4 Key Points for You to Follow to Be a Leader, Not a Manager

Managing a team of people comes with a new level of responsibilities. But have you ever considered the vast difference between being a manager and a leader? Harvard Business Review reports that 30 is the average age of a first-time manager while 40 is the age where people first embark on leadership training. This is a decade of lost years of building…


Added by Alicia Walker on January 11, 2022 at 10:44am — No Comments

The importance of building a sustainable brand

The last few decades have seen the shopping experience revolutionize. With technology and independent stores drawing customers’ attention away from the high street, there’s now a better sense of community between customers and businesses. With the ability to have direct communication with stores as well as the digital world providing customers…


Added by Alicia Walker on December 17, 2021 at 4:00am — No Comments

How Can Hauliers Cope With an Even Higher Demand This Christmas?

The Christmas rush is something hauliers anticipate every year. But it’s going to be felt more acutely this year with the additional pressures of a driver shortage and Brexit affecting the supply of some goods.

The haulage sector is set to experience its busiest Christmas period on record. On top of the usual increase in demands,…


Added by Alicia Walker on December 15, 2021 at 11:30am — No Comments

The True Impact of Digital Technology on Your Workforce Efficiency

We know technology has had an impact on every area of our lives. We can manage almost our entire lives through our smartphones, from arranging appointments to paying bills. Technological innovations have also found a way into the workplace, completely revolutionizing the way we work.

As technology is embedded into workplaces, it can…


Added by Alicia Walker on December 14, 2021 at 6:00am — No Comments


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